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See You Again

Henry POV
I woke up inside Granny's, the place deserted after everyone had gone outside to see this new curse-CRAP! A new curse! I instantly jumped up from the table and looked outside, the streets empty.

"This can't be good" i muttered to myself, remembering Issac's curse. I opened the door and saw the abandoned town, it was so quiet you could hear my fast heart beating from inside my chest walls. The more I looked around, the more scared i got, no sign of any human life

"OH MY GOD!" A voice screamed, making me clutch my heart in fright. I turned around to see a small girl; about my age, standing there looking right at me. She had long brown hair which was tied back in a ponytail, warm brown eyes that were oddly familiar. "Henry?" She asked quieter, i nodded. "Oh thank god!" She ran towards me and wrapped me in tight hug, squeezing all the air out of me.

"Sorry" i squeezed out, "do i know you?" And she immediately pulled away.

"You don't recognise me?" She frowned and then as if a light bulb went off in my mind.

"Oh God! Grace!" I grinned pulling her into a hug, which she returned. "I'm so sorry I didn't recognise you, but in all fairness, I haven't seen you since we were 11"

"Touché" Grace said with a smile. "Well I couldn't miss another one of your birthdays so i asked my papa if i could come, and he said yes" but then her smile faded. "Henry something happened to my papa.. That misty stuff came as soon as i opened the door to leave for your party. It did something to him"

"Do you want me to come and see?" I asked and she nodded pulling away to lead me to her mansion. When Grace left Storybrooke after the curse broke, she and Jefferson got back to the enchanted forest after fixing up the hat, and they never came back as far as I knew. But it was great seeing my childhood best friend again, more than i ever could've wished for.

"We're here" Grace said suddenly, interrupting my thoughts. I nodded as she led me inside. "He appeared in his bed, come see" she said grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs to Jefferson's room. But when she opened the door i gasped in shock.

"Is that..?" I asked unable to finish my question and Grace nodded. "Holy crap" I whispered as i saw the boy in the bed, around my age, still had the same hairstyle and clothing as before but younger in the face.. None of his usual stubble and less wrinkles, he had hardly any before. Suddenly his eyes shot open.

"What the-who the hell are you?!" He yelled sitting up, Grace winced at the statement, her father obviously not recognising her. "Bloody answer me!" I had to hold back a grin and a chuckle as i heard how high his voice was compared to the normal Jefferson i knew.

"I am Henry Mills.. This is Grace Ha-"

"Hancock, Grace Hancock thats me" Grace interrupted and i raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Well where the hell am i?" Jefferson asked

"A small town called Storybrooke" Grace said bluntly. "Not going to introduce yourself?" Jefferson rolled his eyes.

"Jefferson Hatter, but people call me Jeff, or hatter.. I prefer Jeff" he said with the same tone as Grace.

"Well Jeff, i have no idea how you got here but welcome to Storybrooke" i said holding my hand out, he shook it cautiously. Then it popped to my mind; if Jefferson was 17 again, who else was? Or who wasn't?

I HAVE A NEW COVER! Thanks to OriginalObsesser for designing this AMAZING cover! Now we reached 5 votes a LOT quicker than we reached three before... So I'm going to try pushing you to 10 votes and 5 comments, yup comments too ;)
Thank you all so much for your support! Remember suggestions and corrections in the comments please 😁

Ps. Also the people on the cover are some of the cast:
Selena Gomez plays young Regina
Demi Lovato is Snow
Taylor Swift is Emma
Zac Efron is Hooky
Others are undecided so far
The girl at the bottom will be introduced later on 😉

17 again (Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora