Deleting soon

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Since this seems to be my most active story, i am wondering if i could ask you all a HUGE question!

See this account was going to be purely OUAT since, well... Its the best in my opinion, HOWEVER! Due to recent actions, i now am back with one of my old fandoms. Some of you may laugh, some may cringe, maybe one of you will go "OMG SAME!" But i doubt that.

So this fandom is of course the amazing saga written by Stephane Meyer (probably spelt that wrong) called Twilight, yeah you heard me correctly.

I am back in the Twilight fandom

And i have mixed emotions... I was thinking of writing a fanfic on my otp from twilight but I'm not sure... I could create a new account purely for Twilight or keep it with this one, i just don't know where I'm headed.

So i have a few questions that hopefully you can answer in the comments

•should i write a twilight fanfic?

•should i make a new account for twilight or merge this account?

•do you actually like twilight?

•would you read the fanfic if it got posted on this account?

Okay and just so you guys know, if i do make a new account, this will still be my main account since OUAT still is my ultimate ultimate fandom


So this will be deleted in maybe a week if I remember to 😂

Thank you 😁

(Also my account name will NOT change 😋)


17 again (Hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora