ON THE RUN Chapter 14

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Coronado, San Diego

Sam spent four hours interviewing the members of Petty Officer Jackson's SEAL team and the rest of the platoon. He, alongside Admiral James, talked to the men to get the picture of exactly what had happened in Korea. It had been tough on Sam and the Admiral to find that they had done as they were ordered by Ensign Holland or have their careers taken away from them. Owen Granger sat in another room watching the video surveillance from the interview rooms, seeing he was not welcome into the fold. Here he was an outsider and Owen was thankful that they had Sam on their side. It was hard on Sam to deal with SEALs who had gone bad, but after their testimonies against their officer in charge, he felt a little at ease knowing that these men had no choice.

Lastly, the Admiral called in Ensign Holland who was not impressed to see Sam there. Sam introduced himself as NCIS Special Agent, Sam Hanna and asked him to sit down. Ensign Holland looked over to his Admiral with confusion.

"Sir, why is he here? We deal with our own." Holland gave Sam a dirty look of disproval.

"He is one of us, in fact he's more honourable than you will ever be, Holland. Agent Hanna has always stood for our code of conduct." The Admiral went on to list them. "Never Leave a Man Behind; Failure is not an Option; Loyalty to Country, Team and Teammate; Serve with Honour and Integrity On and Off the Battlefield; Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit; Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your teammates; Excel as Warriors through Discipline and Innovation, Train for War, Fight to Win; Defeat our Nation's Enemies; Earn your Trident everyday and the only easy day was yesterday." Admiral James stood up and paced the small room. "You disgust me, Holland. You have failed your men who rely on you to lead them. You betrayed your country and tarnished our reputation with South Korea."

"Sir, non of this is true." Ensign Holland looked up at the Admiral in his defence.

"We have the testimonies from your men," Admiral James sternly replied. "NCIS have proof, photos of what you forced your men to do in Korea."

Holland turned his gaze on Sam and the distaste he had for Sam deepened.

Sam sat there, his brown eyes hardened as they met the disgraced SEAL.

"Where is Petty Officer Ken Jackson?" Admiral James' voice boomed through the room and into the corridors.

"I have no idea where he is. He didn't turn up to work this morning, I've issued a warrant to find him."

"He disappeared last night from a bar," Sam added in. "His friend saw Jackson for a few minutes before he dashed to the men's room, right after some of your men entered the bar. He never returned."

"I told you, I have no idea where he is." Holland sat there simmering under the surface. His men had turned on him and betrayed him. They would pay, just like Jackson had. If only they'd found the thumb drive to destroy the evidence.

Sam leaned over the table, his muscles tensed under his shirt. "I will personally come after you if any harm has come to Jackson. Do you hear me?"

"He threatened me, Sir." Holland turned his attention to Admiral James.

"Tell him, Holland. Your career is over. You have nothing left to lie for. What happened to Jackson?" James' patience was running thin, the day had gone from bad to worse as he'd sat with Hanna to interview the men in Jackson's platoon and team. None of them had admitted to kidnapping or hurting Jackson the night before, although they had admitted to what had gone down in Korea.

"I can't tell you what I don't know, Sir." Holland was a stubborn man who irritated Sam and the Admiral to no end. He was not going to give in to anything. "I want my lawyer."

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