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I don't want to get up, but I know that eventually I will have to. The sun is already up, and I can tell because it peaks Through the curtains beside the bed.


I bite my lip to keep from smiling.

She's awake.

I roll over and smile at Skai. "Good morning."

Her eyes remain closed, but she smiles and then leans her chin up to kiss my neck. "G'morning baby."

"We have a lot to do today."

"Do we?"


She sighs, and opens one eye. "This is one of the craziest things I've ever done."

"Sleeping with a bipolar destructive, tattooed, yet insanely Gorgeous superstar-author?" 

She laughs at me and wraps her arm around my neck as she brings her lips to my cheek. "No. I mean making the decision to leave my home and travel the world with you."

I smile broadly, and sit up. The sheets fall off of me and Skai smirks at my naked chest.

"Stop being a perv and get up."

"Hey! You're the one showing off your boobs, I mean... It's not my fault that my eyes just kind of gazed upon them."

I laugh and throw on an oversized shirt.

"We should tell Wolfe. He'll be really excited."

Skai nods, and then groans loudly. "How am I going to tell Jose?"


"My best friend. He's been with me forever."

I try to hide my jealousy. It's so ridiculous that I get jealous this easy.

"I'm going to call him."

"Um. Alright, I guess I'll go make some breakfast while you do that. I'll tell Wolfe too."

She nods absentmindedly as she pulls her phone off of the table beside my bed. I smile a little as I turn around.

Wolfe sits alone at the counter with a bagel in his hands. I watch as he flips through the Sunday news.

"Good morning."

I open the fridge and reply. Scanning the fridge for any more bagels, I spot the empty container and sigh.

"You could throw the box away, you know."

Wolfe gives me a guilty smile, and then clears his throat. "So Skai stayed the night?"

I raise an eyebrow at him as he smirks.

"How'd you know?"

"I heard you two talking a second ago.... So, does this mean you're officially, officially a thing?"


"Thank god. The sexual tension was practically suffocating me."

I glare, and he laughs loudly while shoving the rest of the bagel into his mouth.

"She's coming with us."

Wolfe's eyes go round as he struggles to swallow the bagel.


I frown. "Ew. Chew first, then speak."

He finishes and then stares at me expectantly.

"She's coming with us."

"We're leaving tomorrow night."

"I know."

He shakes his head at me. "How is she going to pack all her stuff? Doesn't she have friends? What about her dog?"

I shrug. "She doesn't have much, Wolfe."

"This is crazy. I mean, this isn't like a spur of the moment kind of decision."

"It is. And I'm coming, if that's okay with you."

Skai appears behind me, and Wolfe looks at her with an amused disbelieving look.

"You're leaving everything you've created in Texas."

"Only because I found what I left in Carolina."

She smiles at me  shyly, and Wolfe rolls his eyes while I swoon like a disney princess.

"You're insane, just like always...but I'm down for it. Do you need help packing?"

She shakes her head. "I honestly don't have much to pack..."

I watch her look down at her hands nervously.

"What is it, Skai?"

She frowns. "I can't leave Pluto though..."

I grin widely. Of course not.

"Pluto is totally coming with us."

"We can't handle a dog!" Wolfe whines.

"Please, she's my baby. I'd have no one to watch her. She'd have to go to the pound and I wouldn't be Able to do that." Skai looks up at Wolfe with the saddest look, and I count the seconds until he cracks.


"Okay. God dammit. Fine, but I'm not cleaning up his messes."


Skai smiles widely, and pulls Wolfe into a hug. "You're the best."

"Wait hold on. How did Jose react when you told him?"

Skai's face drops, and she sighs. "He sounded really confused. I never really explained that you would be leaving tomorrow. I don't think he was expecting me to leave."

"Baby...was he okay with it?"

She nods solemnly. "He was upset. I mean, we're such great friends and it's going to be hard being without him."

"You'll still text and stuff though." Wolfe puts a hand around Skai. "It's going to be alright, Skai."

"I know... I'm just going to miss him."

I frown. "I'm sorry baby."

"It's alright." She says.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. As long as I'm going to be with you guys I'll be alright."

Wolfe and I smile as Skai pulls us both in to hug her.

"I love you guys."

Okie dokie. Soo, two apologies. One for the wait and one for the sorta bummy chapter. I realize that my updates are about as fast as a constipated turtle, and that would,I guess, be apology #3. Ap classes, homework, my job, and theatre rehearsals have me ready to jump off a cliff, and that being said I rarely have time to update BUT I try to fit in as many updates as I can in my free time. I PROMISE THERE IS A HUGE TEASER IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! Dude you guys are gonna hate me or love me or be conflicted af but it's gonna be hella good. I promise.

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