Chapter 9

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I padded along through the dark corn field with Hazetooth next to me. We were the only ones who knew where SunClan was, and who was fit enough to make the trip. I wish we could just go to VineClan or StreamClan, but they were too far away, especially at night. I can't believe we've only been exiled today and we're going back to SunClan.
"I think we're almost there." Hazetooth said.
I nodded. "What do you think they'll do when they see us?"
"Hopefully we'll find someone who likes us." He sighed. "They can't all hate us."
"I hope you're right." I replied.
After maneuvering through the long corn stalks, we finally got to the edge of the badger territory. We moved though the rocky territory until we eventually got to familiar grounds.
"Should we try to fund someone out here or just..." I was cut off by someone pouncing on me. I hissed and rolled out from under them, knocking their feet out from under them.
"Ottertuft?" It was Hazetooth's voice that spoke first.
I stopped in surprise and realized it was my brother. I couldn't see him that well since it was night.
"Meadowlight?" He was shocked. "I'm so sorry. I thought you were a trespasser."
"Actually we are, but let's not get into those details." I said.
"Why are you here? And what happened to you?" He was looking at my cuts now.
"We met some barn cats and they offered to let us stay with them. While we were there rogues attacked, trying to take over the barn. We held them off, but one of the barn cats are injured badly and so is Mintheart. We need help." Hazetooth explained.
"Do you want me to get a medicine cat?" He asked.
"Get Deerblaze, and make sure no one knows about it." I said.
"Alright, I'll go as quick as possible." He replied and ran off.
I shook the leaves off my pelt and sighed. "I really hope this works out. At least we saw Otterpaw and not someone else like Nectarfur."
"True." He mumbled and sat down. "We should hunt because I don't think either of us have eaten since this morning."
As he spoke I remembered how hungry I was. My stomach felt like it was on fire.
I nodded and we both separated to hunt. I quickly caught a mouse scurrying around for any last nuts or acorns before hibernating. I ate in the spot, and caught a big vole as well. I brought that back to where Hazetooth and I parted and decided to share with him. He returned shortly with shrew in his mouth.
"It feels so weird not bringing my catch back to camp." He commented, taking a bite of the shrew.
"I don't think I've ever eaten out of camp actually." I replied.
We finished our prey and we burying the bones by the time Deerblaze ran up carrying many herbs and plants in his mouth. He dropped them and said,"Ottertuft told me what happened. We'll talk later, but now I have cats to help."
We helped carry some of the herbs and went back into the corn field. I was beginning to grow used to the feeling of the corn stalks on my pelt. By the time we got back to the barn, I felt as if my paws would drop off. I had been walking all day, and I wanted nothing more than to sleep for moons and escape all my problems.
"They're back!" I heard Rosie yell to someone.
"We couldn't move them up to the loft so we put them in here." Marigold came over from a corner of the barn.
Deerblaze gaped at the huge barn, but he followed Marigold to the corner. We set our herbs down next to them and sat down.
"You've done all you can." Rosie told us. "Thank you. You should sleep now."
I didn't waste a moment, and I fell asleep right where I was. As soon as my eyes closed I was wrapped in a peaceful, calm darkness.
"Meadowlight, wake up."
I groaned when light flooded into the barn and I opened my eyes. Deerblaze stood there looking slightly tired.
"What?" I questioned, getting up and shaking the straw from my pelt. I saw that he had woken up Hazetooth as well.
"There's something very important that I have to tell you about SunClan. I would tell Mintheart, but he's way too tired for this." He whispered.
"Spit it out." Hazetooth said.
"After you left a few cats started thinking about what you had said. It makes sense, but if Fogstar heard them talking like this she'd banish them too. We decided to have a secret meeting on the edge of the territory by the corn field. I think it would be good for you to attend." He explained.
"Really? When is it?" I asked.
"Tomorrow night at moonhigh." He replied. "A few of these cats are actually eager to start a new clan."
"Which cats are the most enthusiastic?" Hazetooth questioned.
"Softbranch, Ivyfeather, Creampaw, Oakfoot, Badgernose, and those are just a few. I strongly agree with it as well." He told us.
"That's good." I said. "This could actually work out." I just hoped that I was correct.

It was still early morning when I made it back to camp. I carried back some marigold, poppy seeds, and any herbs I could find to replace the ones I used last night at the barn. I snuck into camp through a small hole by the apprentice den, the same one I had used to sneak out. The dawn patrol hadn't even left yet, but a few cats were beginning to rise, such as Treetail and Softbranch. It was so obvious the two were mates, for StarClan's sake Softbranch was expecting the deputy's kits!
I carried my plants and herbs into the medicine cat den where Berryface was still sleeping. He and Fogstar had stayed up late talking about the clans amongst other important things. As I sorted the herbs, I couldn't help but worry for our clan. Fogstar had turned into a power hungry leader, and breaking up the clan was the last thing she wanted. That would mean she'd have less power, and then she couldn't control VineClan and StreamClan to her desire. It was a really sad situation, but I was trying to do what I could to save us. She was an old leader on the second life. Perhaps it was time Treetail became leader? No, he would make a horrible one. The poor cat only became deputy because at the time there weren't many good options, and Treetail did whatever Fogstar asked of him. He was a very submissive cat, and if he was leader VineClan and StreamClan would have no problem taking their revenge. There probably wouldn't even be a battle; if they asked for territory Treetail would give it to them to stop a fight. As a medicine cat it was my duty to stop this, but I'm not sure Berryface would approve some of my ideas. If I faked a prophecy he would go running to Fogstar right away, and our clan would be in no better position.
"Deerblaze," it was Yelloweyes.
I turned around from my sorting. "Yes?"
"My stomach is hurting worse and worse." She said.
That could be the kits coming, but I didn't want to raise her hopes up.
"I'll give you some poppy seeds, and you should eat something as well. Don't worry though, that's just a side effect of having kits." I reassured her. "But I'll keep an eye on you." I definitely had to do that because her kits could honestly come at any moment.
"Thank you." She nodded and left. She wasn't as big as some of the other queens when they're about to kit, and I guessed she'd have one or two kits. I fetched the poppy seeds, careful not to swallow some myself. I gave them to her and went back to sorting. By the time I was done Berryface had awakened.
"Good morning Deerblaze." He nodded to me and groomed his fur.
"Sleep well?" I asked.
"Yes. You?" He replied between licks.
"Not well at all. I couldn't stop thinking about the prophecy, so to sort things through I traveled to moon stone." I said.
"Really? What happened?" He asked curiously.
I decided to make up the prophecy because that would make things easier. Well, actually Berryface might not believe it.
After a brief moment of thought, I said,"They told me to trust my heart and do what's best for the clans."
"Clans? Not just SunClan?" He questioned.
"Yes." I nodded.
"I'll have to tell Fogstar." He immediately padded out the entrance.
I sighed with relief that he believed it and sat down. Soon enough I got hungry and walked out. I spotted Yelloweyes sitting in the nursery, but she didn't look good.
"Yelloweyes, I..." I didn't get far because she yowled out in pain. I was right about the kits coming soon.

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