Watch out for those Zombies

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“Those Idiots” I say under my breath. The boy stops crying, looks up at me and moves back a few centimetres.

“No, don’t be scared, I know about them” I say softly.

The boy gets struggles to get up and dusts himself off.

“My..My name is Justin” The boy says

“What happened?” I asked. I let go of Percy’s hand and go over to the boy.

“I was, walking home” He says, a frown formes upon his face “and I heard this noise, kind of like moaning. It was really weird so I started quickening my pace, but then the moaning was getting louder, like whatever the hell it was, was gaining on me. When I turned, there were these people, they looked like zombies, and well they attacked me. I tried to fight them but there was to many. So I hid in this bush”

I turned to face the others, “It’s begun”

“What’s begun?” Justin asked

I turned to him, “the invasion”

“Come on we have to find Ashlee” Percy said

He grabbed my hand and we started running, I get a feeling that he didn’t like me talking to Justin.

“Come on” Kat said to Justin

Justin looked up weakly; a smile grew on his face. Kat grabbed his hand and they followed us. Anna was clinging on to Percy’s other hand trying to keep up.

We were running for a while until we came face to face with a group of zombies.

“Ugh..goh….emmh.” one grunted

“eyy..ookinh…or….er” another said

In his hands he held Ashlee, she was life less and hovering just above the ground. The zombie was choking her. I fell to my knees.

“Let her go” I chocked. I tried to sound tough and brave but the sight of Ashlee made me weak. She had cuts up her arms, burns on her face. What ever happened to her was something she would never forget.

I grabbed out my knife and tried to swing but the zombies started crowding around us.

“eee..ave..rders” One grunted

“I..I think there talking English” Anna said

I stared at her puzzled

“Can’t you understand them?” She asked

None of us nodded.

“We have orders, we have to attack anyone against us” She said pointing to a zombie “That’s what he said”

“We will never join you” I said standing brave.

“Then we shall fight” Anna said, her voice getting quieter.

We all stood in a circle, ready to fight.


The zombies attacked first, they came at us, some had knives others had swords. I took a stab at a zombie, he fell to the floor. Percy was kicking, Kat was punching and Justin was throwing rocks. Anna was yelling trying to throw sticks in the zombie’s eyes. The zombies outnumbered us, but somehow we were winning. I was about to attack the last zombie, when BAM he wacked me down to the floor with the butt of his sword. I fell down cold, my eyesight went fuzzy and I didn’t remember anything after that.

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