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Is so very true. It's so true it hurts. I find it funny how people take pills for fun and I'm over here having to take them to balance the fucking chemicals in my brain. Also, people have fights over who's "more depressed" and I find that ducking pathetic I despise people like that, if you're like that get the fuck off of this earth because that's not how depression works. IT A CLINICAL ILLNESS AND DONT THINK YOU CAN BE MORE DEPRESSED THEN SOMEONE ELSE BECAUSE WERE ALL ON THE SAME FUCKING BOAT. Yes I know other people have it worse then me and everything but I can't help it my mothers fathers side of the family he a line of depression, my parents didn't even know I was depressed until that one day that the cop came over. Im just gonna stop banking about this shit byeeeee. Since the video might not show look up "what its like to be in love while depressed" or something like that it's the girl with short hair.

Stuff and drawings....ish.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt