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I'm tired. I'm a tired furry. 🌚 A very tired one still without a fursona. But that's okay. My friend Jess is making me one and she should know me very well because she dated me once. So yeah. She knows all I out me. :3 Heheeeeee but yeah. I'm staying home. My stomach is putting me in pain. I'm hungry. EW I JUST HEARD MY BROTHER FART AND HES IN THE OTHER ROOM OMFG THAT WAS LOUD. I'm in the room next to his (he's very loud at night explaining why I'm really tiered in the morning and feel like complete utter shit. Now if you will excuse me I have to do homework..hah no I won't. :3

Stuff and drawings....ish.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt