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So this isn't really a rant more of just an update of my life and shit. First off, the picture. My friend Colin put all of our friends on a scale of ugliest to best looking...I'm the second to last...yet I just...I don't even want to..I still...okay don't get mad with me. They all know I still have suicidal thoughts and that I'm trying hard to get depression off of my back and all of that...but I can't help it and now I'm more vulnerable to what other people say..and what hurts the most is that one time he asked me if he was ugly. I boosted his self esteem and told him he was attractive yet...here he goes and...tears what little is left of my self esteem and my ego...if I even have one..hah... Okay anyways, I broke up with Liz I know I'm sorry, but I got together with one of my ex's who I had know for two years and I just kinda missed him so yeah, turns out he's
Been getting a lot of hate since I've left. :T But now he's better. <3 anyways yeah..he's Swedish. *w*' and has blue eyes. I'm a sucker for him just AUFHHHHHH. uwu Yes.

Stuff and drawings....ish.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt