Daddys job *sammy wilk*

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"You shouldn't go Sam." I said to Sam while he held my hand as we watched sage. Our 4 year old daughter swim in the pool."if you want to keep this house and food on the table I should." Sam said. Sam Is a boxer and tonight he had to go to Omaha to fight Some undefeated fighter. That they won't tell who it is to keep the people watching. "And I can bring you and sa-." "No Sam I don't want sage to see that." He nodded. "Daddy,mama! Come play wit me!" Sage squealed. "Ok hear comes daddy." Sammy jumped up and did a cannon ball in the pool. Witch sent sage under a wave of water. "Sammy careful." I said getting into the pool. I got some of the water out of her nose." It's ok mama daddy was just playing." She said Doggy paddling over to Sammy. Sammy picked her up. "how is daddy's little scuba diver?" He asked . "Hungry." She answered rubbing her tummy. "Time for lunch."I said putting her on my hip as I got out of the pool. And rapped her in her doc mcstuffins towel. Sammy carried her in. "What do you want to eat sage?" I asked as I walked in the kitchen. "Sandwich please!" She answered. "Me to babe!" Sammy chimed in. I made sam a sub. And sage a ham sandwich cut just the way she like down the middle into triangles. I walked into the living room to see them sitting on the leather recliner. Under a throw blanket. Watching Disney jr. "Here you go my loves." I said as I gave them there plates. "Thank you." They both said. I pick up sage so she was on my lap so I could sit next to Sam."babe you haven't eaten all day today." I don't eat when I'm nervous. I really don't want Sammy to get seriously hurt. He leaned over and kissed my neck softly. "I'll be okay. I promise." He whispered in my ear then looked me in the eye with his big brown eyes. "Here." He said handing me half of his sub."Thanks babe." I said as I began to eat.
*after eating*
"Goodnight baby." Sammy whispers. As he lays sage down in her bed. She moves a little then settles back into her sleeping state. She's sleeping in one of the shirts Sammy bought her from one of his fights. In big bold letters it said champion. It was oversized but she loved it. "See you soon baby hopefully. I know you can't hear me but I breaks my heart to see you cry so Im gonna tell you while I your sleeping. Daddy has to go fight and I might not come back the same. And yeah and it might be worse then last time. Yeah just thought you deserved to know. Love you baby girl." He kissed her on the forehead."pray for mommy and daddy. And be good for her." He patted her hair and walked out. I sprinted back to our shared room. "Hey." He said coming over to me he picked me up and sat me on the bed. He wiped my tears away with his thumb. " hey hey stop. hurts me to see my beautiful wife and daughter cry." I hugged him tightly not wanting him to go." Beep beep!!" He got up. " that's my ride." He got his bags before he stepped out of the door he kissed me long and hard. "See you soon." He said "hopefully." He began to walk down the hallway slowly looking at our wedding pictures. And baby pictures of  sage. I could see tears rolling down his cheeks. "Daddy where you going."  Sammy looked at sage standing in the door frame of her room. "Daddy has to go do daddy's job." Sage knew what that meant and it was not good. "Nooooo!" Sage screamed. As she jumped onto Sammy's arms. "No! No! No! Daddy stay here. Or daddy get hurt." Sage cried. Sammy looked into sage's eyes. "Beep beep!!"  " daddy has to go." He said giving sage to me. "No!" Sage protested grabbing sam's shirt.  He grabbed his bags and walked to the living room. He stood in the frame of of the door. "Bye my one and onlys." He said kissing us on the cheek. Sage looked the other way clearly upset. "If I don't go now I never will. " he said turning around and got into the van and left.
I took sage back into the house. "Can I sleep in your room mommy?" She asked sniffling I nodded. "Of course baby." I said. We went into Sammy and i's room and went to sleep.
This was so sad. 
Should I do a part 2?


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