Window. *aaron* {triger.}

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I don't look like it but I am. I'm the quiet one. The shy one. The lonely one. The one who sits in the back. I am that one..... ~T
"Hey honey how was school." My mom asked. She always asks that I answer with the same thing every day. "Good." I say. "Ok well I'm going to the mall wanna come?" She asked. "No thanks." I say starting to walk up the stairs."y/n wait. Why?" I stop and turn around. "I was gonna stay in eat and watch Netflix we can go out tomorrow. Saturday is always better." I lie. The truth is that I hatted getting awkward looks because my parents are white and I'm black. They adopted me. Because my mom can't have kids because of a medical condition. She nodded and left. I went up stairs to my room. I jump on my bed and I was about to watch tv but I couldn't find the remote. So I got up. "Where is that damn TV remote." I say out-loud. "It's behind the pillows on your bed." A voice said. "Thank you." I said before my head could compute. "Hold the fuck up who the hell is that!!" I screamed not turning around. "Calm down my name is Aaron." He said voice still calm. I turned around. "Why are you here? And how long have you been here?" I asked he has such a kind face. I  thought to my self."I'm hear because I jumped." He said pointing to the window leading down to a busy street."why?" I asked. "Bullies, depression,anxiety." He says. I nodded on the verge of tears. " and I've been hear before your parents brung you home. I herd them talk about adopting you. I watched them decorate the room and everything." He paused for a second." I'm seriously surprised you don't remember me. Sometimes when you would cry I would stand over you crib a sing. And when you started walking you would get out of the crib at night and I would pick you up and put you back in."  I look at him. "That's creepy. Where are your parents?" "They left there old now. It was only making it harder on them to walk by my room. Every day." He says looking out the window. I hear the door open and shut. "I'm home!!" My dad yells though the house."DAD! THERS A GOHST IN MY ROOM!" I scream as I run down the stairs. Almost running into him. " a what." He says walking up the stairs we make it to my room. "See look." I point to Aaron who is sitting in my desk chair. Playing with his thumbs. He looks up at me with a smirk on my face. "There's nothing there y/n. Get some sleep please." He says kissing my temple. He walks out laughing. "Only you can see me."
Cliff hanger
Part 2?


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