you saved me

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okay so it's already October, it's been 2 months into school. Toby and I have gotten closer as friends. we tell each other everything. today was Friday. last day of the business week, thank god.
Toby and I are hanging out tonight !
I really want to tell him how I feel, I think I've developed feelings for Toby. like feelings feelings.
I went to class and sat with Toby in the one class we have together today. I was just distracted all day. I have to tell him soon !
I was grabbing my lunch from the locker. I closed my locker and turned. Toby was right behind me.
"holy crap" I said laughing
"boo" he says
"it's not Halloween yet Cavanaugh !" I say
he walks with his arm around me to lunch.
we kind of act like a couple sometimes.
we sat at the table with Hanna, Caleb, Aria, and Ezra. Paige and Emily went to  philly together, they left yesterday night. they were staying till Sunday night.
Hanna and Aria pulled me to another table so the guys could talk.
Hanna and Aria took Spencer to another table. I stood up to walk over there but the boys told me to stay.
"aw you two can't live without each other" Ezra says in a baby voice
"shut up" I said popping the p
"dude when are you going to tell her ?" Caleb asks
"tell her what ?" I ask
"that you're like in love with her" Ezra adds
"we're just really good friends, that's all." I say nodding my head
"cut the crap Cavanaugh. tell her." Caleb says
I was looking at Toby with one of those I-don't-know confused faces
"communication is key spence" Aria says
"what ?" I ask
"you both love each other !" Hanna says excitedly
"no we're just good friends. like bestfriends." I say
"Spencer you have to talk to him ! you both feel the same ! you're falling for Toby, you like him" Aria says
"is it that obvious ?" I ask rolling my eyes
"HA ! I KNEW IT !" Hanna yells
Toby, Caleb and Ezra look at her like she's crazy...
she is crazy
I went to my last classes and then drove home
6:00 PM
Toby said he was going to be here soon so I got dressed.
I put on a red shirt that has flowers on the shoulders instead of straps, and dark skinny jeans. I put red flats on and brushed my hair.
this wasn't an official date. we were just going out to eat.
"hi toby" I said opening the door
"wow spence you look amazing"
"why thank you"
he opens his car door for me and he drives
"where are we going ?" I ask
"it's a surprise"
"I hate surprises" I say rolling my eyes
"you'll like this one" he says while intertwining his fingers with mine
we got down and it was a cute family owned restaurant. it looks cute on the outside but when you walk in it looks like some club !
we sat down ate, and laughed for a while
we even danced to some of their songs
we got back in the car
"damn it" Toby says
"what happened ?" I ask
"I have to get something at this warehouse for my job"
Toby is a carpenter and he's been fixing Mr & Mrs Dilaurentis' fence
Mr & Mrs Dilaurentis have two children, Alison and Jason
their family is very good looking, they live right next door to me.
"then let's go now !" I say
"no, it's going to ruin the mood ! it's a little far out and it's getting late." he says
"come on Toby, you don't want to show up without supplies the first day !" I say
"okayyyyy" he says
"we're here" he says
we're in the middle of no where and there are a few huge warehouses and a motel right in front of the one Toby has to go in.
we walk in and Toby speaks to the manager.
"we have to get something in the back. want to come ?"
"no Tobes, I'll be fine here. I want to look around"
"Spencer, are you sure ?"
"I'm positive ! now go get your supplies !" I say pushing him
he kisses my cheek and follows the manager.
I was turned looking at some of the things in an aisle.
I turn around and there's some creepy looking guy that was wearing the same shirt as the manager.
"hello" he says
"uh hi"
"whatcha looking at"
"nothing really"
this guy is creeping me out
I walk a little closer to the front of the aisle, but he follows.
"you're a hottie. we close soon, wanna come back to my place ?" he asks
"uhm no. I have plans."
he grabs my arm and pins me on the wall
"your plans are to come with me" he says
"NO" I yell
he starts to kiss my neck and I'm squirming
"are you like this in bed ?" he asks
"you'll never find out" I say kicking his lower area
he groans and smacks me
he starts to choke me
at this point my eyes are closing and I can't breathe
it wasn't as loud as I thought it would be
"no one can hear you" the guy says kicking my knees
my eyes are closed and I blacked out
I can still hear everything
"GET THE HELL AWAY" I hear Toby yelling
I hear Spencer yelling so I run to the front and I see this guy choking her
I punch the guy and then I kick him. I pushed him into a whole bunch of wood and he lies there.
the manager is freaking out and calling the police.
Spencer's eyes are closed and I'm crying.
I carry her and put her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I ran to my car and got some clothes. I then ran to the motel and got a room. I walk in the room and place her on the bed.
"T-Toby what's happening ?" she says opening her eyes a little
"sshh you're going to be okay." I say crying
"you saved me Toby"
"shh go to sleep"
i take her shoes off and I take her top off
she freaks out and jumps up. she sees my big tee shirt and lays back down.
I put my shirt on her and take her jeans off.
I carry her again and put her under the covers. I kiss her forehead.
"I love you" I whispered
"I-I love you too Toby" she replied
I changed out of my clothes and got in my pajama pants.
I turned the light off and laid right next to her.
2 AM
I woke up super scared and confused. I look down and I'm wearing a tee shirt. the shirt smells like Toby so I calm down a bit. I turn and Toby is laying right next to me. I'm not scared anymore. I turn his way and wrap my arms and legs around him. I feel safe for once in my life.

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