potluck preperations

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Spencer's pov
today was the day.
today was the potluck.
everyone's coming, by everyone I mean Toby and the girls.
Melissa and her British bed buddy, wren, are coming too.
Toby had a new job at the dilaurentis' house.
Jason re-hired him, I mean who wouldn't ? Toby is amazing ! I don't know why Jason fired him in the first place !
I was going over to surprise Toby.
I made him some food.
I walked over to the house and saw Toby in his car on the phone.
he was sweaty, so I'm assuming that he's on break and had already started working.
he sees me and smiles.
I hop in the car.
"I have more important things to deal with, and that's not you. bye Jenna" Toby says hanging up
"hey babe !"
"hey spence ! this is a surprise"
he leaned in and we kissed
"what's this ?" he asked
"food" I said winking
he ate his food and we just sat in his truck listening to music.
Toby started laughing
he turned the radio off and kissed me
"I love you"
" I love you more"
"that's impossible"
we started making out in his truck
he was on top of me
"JASON ! WHAT THE HELL ?" my dad yells
"SPENCER ?" my dad asks tapping on the window
Toby got off of me and we looked up
"what Peter ?" Jason asks
my dad turned around to talk to Jason
my dad caught us making out..
that's so embarrassing !
"I said to stop working on this ! it's on MY property !" my dad yells
"chill Hastings ! we just wanted to separate our backyard from yours !" Jason yells
"I DONT CARE ! ITS ON MY PROPERTY !" my dad yells
"Toby already started working on it !" Jason yells
"Toby ? Toby's working on this ?" my dad asks turning back to us
we got out of the truck
"yes mr Hastings" Toby says gripping my hand tighter
"ugh fine. continue putting this back fence on." my dad says
I smiled and kissed Toby's cheek
"thanks Pete" Jason smirked evilly
"Toby don't forget to be at the potluck by 5 ! come on spence, the girls are at the house looking for you." my dad says  walking home
"bye Toby love you ! see you later" I said kissing him
"love you !"
I went up to my room and Hanna was on my bed, Aria was sitting on the floor, and Emily on the chair that Toby made for me.
"what's up ?" I asked walking in and closing the door behind me
"what's up with you ? it's only 12:30 and you're already out !" Emily says
"I was at Jason's house. Toby is working there. I thought I should bring him food." I said
"aw how adorable. okay so you have to pick out your outfit and we all have to go buy things to start cooking !" Aria said
"yea spence, what are you wearing ? we have to discuss this !" Hanna says widening her eyes
"chill okay ! I have some ideas.." I said
"okay, what are they ?" Emily asks crossing her arms
"exactly" Aria says
they started looking in my closet and my drawers
"this is perfect !" Hanna yells excitedly
she was holding a jean top that shows my shoulders and black jeans
"with this belt, and black boots !" Aria says handing me a belt
"that's super cute spence, you have to wear it" Emily suggests
"hmmm okay" I say grabbing it
I put everything on
"YES SLAY SPENCE " Aria yells
we laughed for a bit and I finished getting ready
"are you guys wearing those outfits ?" I asked
"why ? do I look bad ? I knew this skirt made me look fat" Aria said
"no ! I'm just wondering" I say reassuring her
"I'm wearing this" Emily says walking to my mirror
emily was wearing a baseball tee that was grey and black, with light jeans and black booties
"cute em !" I said
"I'm keeping this on if everyone is keeping their clothes on" Hanna said
Aria nodded in agreement
Hanna was wearing a white flowy top with some colorful embroidering at the top, with light green pants, brown boots, and a brown leather jacket
Aria was wearing an orange shirt with cheetahs on it, a cheetah print skirt, a black and white striped blazer and black flats.
"you all look great ! keep those outfits on !" I said
they all agreed and we were off to the grocery store
"it was already 3:00 ! Toby is going to be  here by 5 ! get your asses to work !" I yelled laughing
"okay I'm making enhanced Mac and Cheese" Aria said grabbing the ingredients and a huge bowl
"I'm making brownies" Emily said
"I'm making a casserole" Hanna says laughing
"you ? a casserole ? that's so sophisticated" Aria asked laughing
"yes geez ! my mom makes them and I learned ! and not really." Hanna scoffed
"what about you spence ?" Emily asked mixing a bunch of ingredients
"I'm making my special ravioli" I said winking
we all started cooking and we played music
"hey girls wow it smells great" my mom said walking in
"hey mrs h !" Hanna said smiling
"I have to start cooking too !" my mom said
"join us !" Aria suggested
my mom started getting things together
my mom was making Parmesan crusted chicken
"I should've known !" I said making an angry face
"oh yes, my special chicken." my mom said smirking and laughing
we all started putting our food on big plates
"I'm going to get ready !" my mom says running upstairs
"hey girls !" my dad says walking in and going straight upstairs
I texted Toby
S: hey tobes ! what are you bringing ?
T: hey ! not telling 😏 I'm walking out now
S: 😑😑😑 okay ! no texting & driving. love you
T: love you more baby
it was 4:40 and Melissa walked in with wren
"hey everyone !" Melissa says walking in putting her huge plate on the counter
"hi Melissa. I'll put that on the table" Emily says smiling
Melissa brought meatballs and deviled eggs
"hey Melissa" Aria said
"hi M" Hanna said
"hey ! well girls, this is wren. my boyfriend." Melissa says grabbing wren's arm
"ello girls" wren says eyeing us all
he stopped at me and smirked
he also smirked at Hanna
"I think someone's at the door" Aria says
"TOBY !" I yelled happily
I opened the door
it wasn't Toby, it was...

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