Chapter 1: Thank you spastic attacks!

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This is Chapter 1! Please do vote, comment and fan! It would mean a lot! Feedback would be nice please actually because I would love to know what's on my readers' mind. So yeah...

And you can always talk to me about anything if you like. Just message me. xx

On with the story then ;) xx

Oh and Harry's intense gaze on the side ----------------->


Chapter 1: Thank you spastic attacks!

Sophia’s POV:

I seriously don’t know what happened… The lads just stripped Harry out of his jeans and… I just lost it. My breath hitched and I      know I’m hyperventilating but really! I shouldn’t be freaking out because this was supposed to be the best night of my life! But No, my attacks decided to ruin it for me.

“Pia? Oh my god! What is happening?!? Wait okay?” Jaye panics as she sees me hyperventilating.

Well who wouldn’t if you’re standing in the middle of a one direction concert, in the front row and then suddenly the boys decide to strip Harry out of his trousers, leaving him in his boxers, told you! No one wouldn’t hyperventilate if they saw what’s in front of me now.

She brings out my inhaler out of the bag and quickly presses it into my mouth. I struggle to keep my breathing steady…

What’s worse is the lads stop singing and somehow… Harry manages to get off stage (he might have been talking to the security and stuff to let him through) and run over to me. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! This is not happening! Oh my gosh!

I can see Jaye freeze as Harry walks toward to me. Shit! Is this really happening or am I sleeping and dreaming again?

“Let me take this.” He gets the inhaler out of Jaye’s hand and Jaye does nothing but nod weakly. HE’S SERIOUSLY NOT HELPING IN ANY WAY! I can feel my breathing become uneven as I look at Harry… He’s biting his lip and his eyebrows are scrunched up and he’s just so beautiful…

“Are you okay?” He asks and looks at me straight in the eyes, I nod my head vigorously to assure him and he flashes that dashing smile of his, the one that makes your heart beat in an impossible rate. I certainly can feel the audience’s eyes on me, boring holes into my head as Harry’s hand draws soothing circles onto my back. This boy will be the death of me I swear.

I can feel my breath returning to a normal pace and I try to get the inhaler off me but I forget that Harry was holding it, causing me to hold his hand… His eyes widened a little at the contact but softened immediately and just smiled at me. I gently push his hand away and try to smile at him but I realize I can’t, not with an inhaler on so I take the inhaler away from my mouth and quickly hides it into my purse.

I also realize that I’m actually sitting on the floor and that Harry is kneeling before me, I blush furiously. “Thanks, I’m good.” Wow! You didn’t stutter and embarrass yourself in front of Harry Styles. Good job Sophia! I congratulate myself mentally.

I look at him and he’s still got that same look plastered on his face, furrowed eyebrows with matching lip bite… Kill me now!

Hesitantly, he wraps an arm around my waist while holding my hand. “Let me help you up.” I just nod weakly again and melt into his touch. Could this day get any better? I doubt it! But it’ll if he kisses me after!

We are standing up now and Harry’s looking at me with his intense gaze that I can’t help but swoon over. I realize that his arm is still wrapped around my waist and his hand is still holding mine, the stadium is quiet… Too quiet I think, hates for me later! I smile awkwardly and say. “Uhmm… Harry, don’t get me wrong, I love every second of this but I think you have a concert to finish.” I chuckle lightly and his eyes widens a bit and he face-palms his self and I can’t help the giggle that escapes from my lips.

“Oh yeah, yeah,” He mumbles and looks at me, I smile at him and he smirks.

What happens next is much unexpected. He leans in so we’re cheek to cheek and his lips on my ears, I can feel his breath, causing me to shiver. “So I guess I’ll see you at the signing… Babe,” He says seductively. He took a step back, winked at me and walks away…

I can’t believe this.


So yeah... I'll post chapter 2 shortly! :))) tell me what you think pleaseeee. Was it good or not or whutt? XD


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