♙ the commoner, reminiscing

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They've punished me for all my sins and crimes.

They took you away.

Ripped you from my grasp.

And now, they're going to take her too.

The sky is crying again, I thought, sparing a moment to glance up at the sky. It was grey just like it had been all this week; heavy clouds full of rain covering up the smiling sun. Sighing, I looked down at the loaf of bread in my hands, lips dipping into a frown, it was getting soggy. Shaking my head, I couldn't afford to be picky. It was the soggy loaf of bread or nothing.

"Hey! I think the little runt ran this way!"

Peering over my shoulder, my eyes widened in fright as I caught the glance of one of the Queen's officers. He pointed me out, his partner glancing at me too. Immediately, I broke out in a sprint, pushing past a noble who stood in my way. I mumbled an apology, only to be swore at.

I sent one last glance at the woman who scowled as my bare feet hit against the pavement, splashing inside a puddle ever once and while. I turned right, running into an alleyway hoping I had lost the officer in the crowd as I came to a stop. Sadly, he quickly caught up with me, softly panting while a smirk graced his thin lips.

My fingers wrapped around a small rock slowly as I gulped. With all the force I hand, I launched the rock letting out a sigh of relief as it came into contact with his left eye.

"Ahh!" I could hear him as I ran.

I came to a slow stop after ten minutes, pressing my back against a store's wall, sinking down onto the floor. I clutched onto the loaf of bread, my body shivering as the bitter wind bite away as my exposed skin. It didn't help that I was soaked to the bone.

"I think she went this way." My body tensed as I pulled my knees into my chest, eyes scanning the area. Unlike the past crowd I was apart of, this one had only ten people roaming the streets. If the officers from before caught up with me, using the crowd to camouflage wasn't going to work. I'd be out in the open, I bite my lip in fear.

My gaze dropped onto two officers, the one I had hit with the rock and a new one. The man I hit with a rock seemed to be yelling as he cradled his wound. Me, I concluded, they were talking about me.

Immediately, I looked around, trying to find a place to hide. My legs, heart and lungs couldn't take anymore running. Getting up, I looked down the alleyway beside it, shaking my head. They'd easily predict I through there, I thought, I need a place they'd never suspect.

Undertaker, I read, knitting my eyebrows together at the large purple sign with gold lining and a skull hanging right inbetween Under and taker.

Peering over my shoulder, I screwed my eyes shut before entering the store while clutching the soggy loaf of bread to my chest.

My heart raced inside my chest, my body tense. I looked around, noticing the shop was quite empty. I took a hesitant step forward towards the coffin laying in the middle of the shop, pursing my lips in though. Standing onto my tippy-toes and leaning over the edge, my eyes widened at the lean man lying in the coffin.

He had long gray hair with a single braid, which was worn so to hide his eyes, making me wonder how he saw when he was alive. He had a scar running past his left eye, over his nose, ending at the end of his right cheekbone. He had another scar running across his neck, horizontally.

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