♗ the commoner, a liar

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They say that twins are one soul placed in two bodies.

I doubt that.

My soul is tainted.

Yours is pure.

In reality, we're nothing alike.

Immediately, everything went quiet. My smug expression dropped, the corner of my lips dipping down into a frown. The tension was thick, before Madam Red jumped to her feet and rushed towards the boy standing besides his butler near the door.

Her arms wrapped around the young boy as his attention was completely turned onto prying her off of himself. The six-foot-something butler stood tall and proper, smirking deviously in their direction. He was amused by the young boy's expression - it was completely priceless.

But one question remained, who was he?

Madam Red wouldn't invite some random stranger into her Manor, especially if this stranger looked so much like a noble. His butler was a giveaway, and his wardrobe suited his noble standing.

I watched Madam Red converse in a conversation with him, silently nodding my head, confirming that he was a noble. He spoke with confidence, authority, and arrogance - what noble didn't?

He was short, around five-feet with navy blue hair which went down to the nape of his neck from the back, and the bridge of his nose in the front. His hair covered a bit of the black eye patch he wore over his right eye that was held with a single cord around his head. His left eye was a bright blue, giving the illusion of a sapphire. He had both his ears pierced with small black studs that would have been impossible to notice if he wasn't as pale as he was.

Looking further down, he was slim around his waist and appeared to be extremely fragile; it looked as though he was only skin and bones. He sported two rings: one on his left thumb and the other on his right middle-finger. The ring on his left thumb, is an ornate silver piece that holds an emerald-cut deep blue stone. While the one of the right is a gold signet ring in the form of a crest; the Phantomhive crest if I had to guess.

Flicking my gaze over to his butler, I tightened my lips into a straight line, narrowing my heterochromatic eyes in his direction. There was something off about him, and it wasn't the fact he stood perfectly beside his master.

Flawless, gorgeous, and dangerously alluring.

It's usually the prettiest people who are the ugliest. I mused, silently, a small smile forming on my lips, Was he like Grell?

"And this is Nobara." Snapping out of my train of thoughts, I turned my head towards Madam Red as she introduced me to the Earl and his butler, "And Nobara this is─."

"Ciel Phantomhive, a pleasure to meet you." I replied simply, nodding my head as I fixed my gaze onto the Earl himself. His eye was calculating, wondering whether or not I was a threat, slightly surprised. Madam Red had probably let it slip somewhere that I was a commoner. It didn't bother me, I was glad I was a commoner, nobles are stuck-up, self-obsessed imbeciles.

"And this is Sebastian Michaelis, the butler of the Phantomhive Household." Ciel introduced plainly, before turning to Madam Red.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my Lady." Before I knew it, my hand was in his gloved-ones, while his lips brush past my knuckles. Yanking my hand back, I couldn't help but frown, holding my hand to my chest.

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