A 'Date'

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Your POV
I couldn't help but to hear him. I wasn't really one for dating and I didn't really know the guy but I guess that's the point of the date right? "E-um Sure?" He still looked like he was studying me. Which made me regret my decision a bit.
Levi's POV
Yep it was definitely her. The girls father was apparently a cannibal and ended up eating the girls mother shortly before he was arrested. We needed to know if she was like him.
A new group of cannibals have arose they call themselves 'The Titians'. Our mission is to bring her back to H.Q without exposing the survey corps. Easier said than done. "Okay then see you after school." I said coldly I didn't give her time to question me hm..
Maybe this was going to be easier than I thought.
Your POV
I had just been asked out on a date? It's like he doesn't even know who I am! This is just really surprising. "O-okay"

~~After school~~

I met up with the guy in the front of the school. He waited until everyone left to say even one word. He looked at me with a cold glare. I felt a sudden pain in my face before everything went black.
Levi's POV
There. I had knocked her out cold. The others were waiting at the back of the school I carried her bridle style to the van where everyone was waiting. "Aye Levi! Is that her?" Hanji asked curiously. "Tch no I knocked out some random girl. Of course it's her" I swear her and her shitty glasses are so stupid.

Cannible  (LevixReader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt