Levi is always right.

125 13 1

Your POV
  I woke up in a bed and a mysterious arm around me. I was comfortable yet I felt strange because one, this was not my bed, two, I have no idea who this arm belongs to. I tilted my head up slightly to see Levi.
  My mind flashed back to last night. Oh god did I... Did we...? I jumped out of Levi's arms waking him up. "Um.. Did we.. Did you... How did I get in here? Oh my god. What did I do!?" Levi sat up slowly and I realized he didn't have a shirt on and was in a pair of sweats.
  He looked at me and clicked his tongue "Tch.Clam down. You passed out last night at the club and I didn't have the key to your dorm. Besides..." He smirked slightly "You're not my type."
  'Well that's not offensive at all' I thought. "Wait.. Aren't you supposed to have a spare dorm key for everyone? What if there's a emergency or something?" I spoke in the most sarcastic tone I could manage. "That's Ewrin's job not mine and I was too tired to give two shits on where you slept. Keep an eye out for Petra though brat."
"Why do I need to keep an eye out for her?"
"Tch.She's most likely out to get you." He said placing his feet on the floor. "She has a habit of flirting with me and getting into fights with anyone she sees as a threat to our relationship. Tch. After all me and Petra are dating."

Authors note:
Ha ha! Yes! In my story Levi and Petra are together and you are gonna get all jelly and shit in the next chapter so hue hue. Also! Thank you to those putting this book in their library and dealing with my super slow updates!
Have a horrifying day~!

Cannible  (LevixReader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt