Anderson High

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Levi's P.O.V:
With a new undercover mission to follow through with I gathered my squad and we headed to Anderson high we had to drive different vehicles so we didn't look suspicious which being since we were all normally in the same van, I wasn't conferrable with.
I felt like I wasn't in control of my troops. Those brats are such idiots they'd mess up the whole mission if I was away for too long.
   Plus we weren't in normal uniform which I didn't like ether we had to blend in though so I followed my orders.
As we arrived at the school we each got out of our cars like any normal high school student. Being since we had to blend we all had to separate. This mission was bound to go wrong.

Your POV:
Walking down the hallways of this hell whole was better than being at home with my uncle but bullying... I could do without. It being the beginning  of the school year I was trying to find my first period. Looking down at my map I didn't look to see the person in front of me and next thing you know-


Me being weak, stupid me I ran right into someone and ended up straight on the ground my books and papers flying everywhere. "I-I'm so so sor-" I looked up at the guy I had run into and man did he look mad.
  I wasn't looking for another bully this not again. I tried apologizing but no words came out "I-I.." He looked at me with a face of annoyance "Spit it out, brat." I picked up my books and looked up at him once more "s-so sorry a um ...sorry.." He just stared at me it was kinda creepy..

Levi's POV:
I looked at the brat that had bumped into me and without a doubt she was our target. I stared at her for a minute to verify this and after doing so did the most casual think I could think of without blowing my cover to get her to meet me someplace.
"Wanna go out sometime?"

(Authors note)
Annnnnnd end welp that was the first chapter! I hope you guys enjoy this beauty of an imagination of mine as I TRY to write a book hue hue. Please like share and comment. I'm really excited to see what you guys think.
Have a horrifying day!

Cannible  (LevixReader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt