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Three years ago.

Jane had stolen the magic wand from her mother, Fairy Godmother, and unknowingly broken the spell on the isle of the lost. Mal took the wand from her and threatened everyone, before realizing she, and her friends, could choose to be good. When they decided they want to be good, she gave the wand back and everyone thought it was all okay, but Maleficent found her way to Aurodon and Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay fought her, and they got rid off her. Ben, and the whole kingdom, forgave them and they became good members of Aurodon.


"Why are you putting a bow tie on Dude?" Jay shook his head lovingly at his boyfriend.

"He's coming to the dance with us," Carlos spoke before looking up at Jay, "Isn't he?"

Jay leaned down to the boy tying a bow tie on his dog and pecked his lips, "Okay." He said with a smile. Carlos is too adorable for his own good, Jay thought.

A few hours later, the two were meeting up with Mal, Ben, Evie, and Doug at the dance the school had.

"Can I have this dance, my thief?" Carlos asked Jay with his hand out to him. Jay rolled his eyes fondly and took Carlos' hand, following him to the dance floor. Jay put his hands around Carlos' waist and Carlos wrapped his around Jay's neck, standing on Jay's feet to reach his neck. The two danced for two songs until Dude was scratching at Carlos' legs, wagging his tail.

"Dude. I'm dancing. We'll play later."  Carlos laughed and Jay joined in, but Dude continued scratching at his legs. The two boys stooped dancing and Carlos reached down for the dog, "I regret bringing you." He told him and the three walked away from the dance floor.

They were sweaty from dancing and all the people around them anyway. Carlos pushed his hair back from his forehead where it was falling and sighed.

"Hey babe, let's go back to our room. Dude can stay with Ben and Mal again." Jay whispered in Carlos' ear, loving how hot he looked as sweaty and out of breath from dancing and pushing through people as he was. Jay smiled but shook his head, "Not tonight. I'm tired." "I'll do all the work. You look really hot right now." Jay whined.

"Don't beg, lover boy." Evie spoke up from behind them, holding Doug's hand and she walked closer.

"Shit. Hi Evie." Jay chuckled nervously, blushing, embarrassed that someone heard him whine to his boyfriend about sex.

"We'll take Dude tonight if you want tho." Doug offered, knowing they'd probably ask them or Ben and Mal later. Without a word Carlos handed Dude over, grabbed Jay's hand and started to walk towards their room. "We'll come get him in the morning. Thanks." Jay said then he and his boyfriend hurried to their room.

When they got there Carlos already had his shirt unbuttoned and Jay pulled it off all the way, pushing him against the door. Jay's lips were on his boyfriends in seconds, the two boys kissing fast and hard before Carlos walked them to the bed.


"I think I'm gonna go check on Jay and Carlos, they disappeared really fast." Mal said to Ben as they took a break from dancing. Ben said okay and walked towards Evie and Doug as Mal walked towards Jay and Carlos' room.

She knocked and got no response so she opened the door, and instantly regretted it. "Oh my God." She said and walked out right away. She quickly walked back to her other friends and saw Evie and Doug laughing at something Ben said.

"Carlos and Jay are definitely okay. Probably better than okay." Mal said, scarred from how she just saw her two friends. Evie and Doug started laughing and Ben looked confused, and then he saw Dude laying down by Evie's feet, and understood.

"My poor princess." He said and wrapped his arm around Mal's shoulder.

"I'm a fucking queen, bitch." Mal responded, kissing her husbands cheek. Ben just laughed.

The four of them stayed at the dance for another hour before heading back to their own rooms.

"Wanna be more than okay, too?" Ben asked with a smirk when they got to their bedroom and Mal just shook her head, put on her pajamas, and lied down. "Maybe tomorrow, princey boy."

"I'm a fucking king." He said and climbed into bed in just his boxers.


Meanwhile, on the Isle of the Lost, Jafar, The Evil Queen, and Cruella were finalizing plans. Plans to bring an army to Aurodon and get their revenge for everything that has happened to them.

"I'm going to get my boy back. He'll join us when he understands what that Alladin did to me." Jafar said to the two women in the room.

"And what was that, Jafar? Stole some bread? Snow White ruined my life and the bitches children will pay." The Evil Queen said to the man.

Cruella just laughed at the two of them, "Why do you even want the brats back? They turned on us for some prince and a dog," she scoffed, "they're disgusting and Carlos is dead to me. We have this army, everyone wants their revenge, and we're all gonna get it!"

The two other villains agreed to what Cruella said, deciding they didn't care for their children, and discussed their plan some more.

"Tomorrow morning." Evil Queen laughed.

"They'll never expect it!" Cruella joined.

"Think of all the treasures we could get." Jafar added on.


Sure enough, the next morning Carlos was shaken awake by Jay and told to put some clothes on, "We're being attacked." He told his white haired boyfriend.

"What? By who? Our parents? I thought they were stuck on the island." Carlos said to the taller boy as he put his pants on, quickly followed by his shirt.

"I don't know but that was definitely my dad and your mom outside." Jay spoke and handed the boy his boots. The two of the ran out to the schools courtyard and found a lot of the villains from the Isle of the Lost attacking everyone.

They grabbed hands, as not to lose each other, and worked their way through the crowd, looking for their friends. Instead they found Jafar, who immediately grabbed Jay's other wrist that Carlos wasn't holding.

"Jay, my boy, I told Cruella I would forget about you, but come one. Don't you miss it? The thrill of taking from others? The weight of their treasures in your pockets? Join us, join me. It'll be so much fun stealing from this place. I know you want too. Drop this dog lover and join me." Jafar spoke to his son.

Jay turned towards Carlos, smiled at him, shook his head, and dropped his hand, stepping towards his father.


1148 words. This will get longer as the story goes on. Please vote and comment.

This will be updated Fridays. Enjoy!


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