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Ever since I was young, hardships seems to accompany me and my family everywhere we go. Life wasn't that easy. There were times that glimpse of hopelessness would occupy my sight but Mom and Dad kept on holding on. For me. For us. They keep on reminding me that an Angel is looking over us, that's why we're still able to move forward.

But then one day, Dad suddenly went ill. His vigorous physique fell flat as if all of his strength was sucked out of him. My mom told me that it's gonna be alright and that my dad will be fine. That it was just a simple flu. I tried believing what my mom said, everything because it was easier, but it was clear in my eyes that my dad was suffering.

The days went by, dad was not recovering. He is not okay.


From outside of the house I heard them arguing. My mom wanted to tell me the truth about his sickness but my dad won't let her. It was Congestive Heart Failure, something that I have not of the slightest idea of. They knew about it for quite some time now but decided not to do a thing. Dad said that instead of using what was left of our money to cure him, mom should just save it for my education and our future. I didn't know what to do. I don't know how to help in the situation because I was just helpless child during those days.

A future without dad? That future only looked dark.

The worst was about to come...

From school, I quickly rushed to a nearby hospital. I got a call from my mom earlier. "Hon, your dad wants to see you." Her voice was shaky – trembling to be exact. I can feel my tears forming, welling up in my eyes. Even I tried fighting not to let my imagination run wild, trying to make myself believe that maybe, just maybe, dad wanted to see me because he was already okay and strong again.

But no…It was another lie I made myself believe.

As I opened the door of his room, large medical apparatuses operating first caught my attention. Second, my dad lying weak on that white sheets to my mom crying silently from a corner of the room. Upon sight, she ran towards me and hugged me tightly, sobbing her apologies. My tears could not be stopped anymore. I already knew what was happening even without her explanations. My knees were becoming weak and gravity did not fail to bring me down. I faced the floor with my blurry vision, eyes overflowing with tears. I can't bear to watch my dad suffering anymore.

From a distance, I heard him calling. "A-Angela."

Without any hesitations, I gathered all the strength I could. Only heaven knew where it came from. With every step I take the heavier it gets, slowly pacing to his side. My hands that were filled with uneasiness were tightly gripping each other while my looks still bore to avert his. 

"Never forget what I always tell you, Okay?" He muffles, referring to his teachings how everyone has their own Guardian Angels.

"Dear, take care of your mom for me, will you?” No, you’re not going. You’ll be the one to take care of us. I trust that you can do it perfectly."

"Be strong now and grow up to be a fine lady, Okay? Experience life like how we want you to experience it. And always remember this I will always be watching you from afar." His hushed lasts words were piercing through my heart, lashing the pain that was too unbearable.

"I'll haunt every boy to make you cry."  He forced a chuckle to ease my pain. Stop smiling like you’re not in pain Papa.

"Papa… please, don't g—" I said in the midst of my overflowing tears, but he ceased me, hushed me and told me that everything’s going to be okay. 

"W-well, my dear A-angela, would you help dad for one last time?" There was something wrong about his request. I don't want to do it.

I won't…



"Please?" He said in a weak tone.

He wanted me to pull off the plug sustaining his life. How can I possibly do it?! I know I'm in a delirious state right now but I do know that my sanity wasn't that far off to kill my own father. Why me?

"Dear, Angela, help papa ease his pain. Please?"  His words, begging me to end his sufferings now was like a thousand thorns pricking deeper into my heart. I looked back at my mom who was still in tears on the ground, crying as if there was no tomorrow, as if today, her life too would also end.

The cord was just a few feet but for me it was still a kilometer away or so I wished it was. He held my hands, letting me know that he will be okay. He believed that after this, I will become stronger – strong enough to surpass all the hardships that was about to enter our lives.

If what my father means by strong is being shattered into tiny pieces then… he's perfectly right on the spot. That would be me.

I lifted the cord and gave him a kiss on his temple for the last time. "Pull it, dear." He whispered. With my eyes shut, my lips not leaving his forehead, my other hand clenching his very tightly… I pulled the cord. "I love you, Papa." These were my last words for him; words that served as a trigger for all of my tears to continue falling out of my round orbs, never to end.

BEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeppppppp . . . . .  It screeched, signaling that it has already ended. 

This is where a tragic end opens up a new beginning for me and my mom.

Do Angels know how to mend a broken heart? I painfully asked myself.


After my dad's burial service, we moved to another house, another place to stay, somewhere cheaper. It also meant me transferring to another school. And, that's when life started to get harder.


Sorry, I'm still not that good yet with sad stories. I just wanted to do some heart-breaking prologue of her life. ^ _ ^ Please bear with me. 


Angelic Disguise  [EXO] *ON-GOING SERIES*Where stories live. Discover now