Chapter 3: Recognition

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---KRIS POV---

My eyes were frozen on him. His brown curls pushed up out of his eyes and a sudden surprised look on his face. He started to move towards to me, slipping in between bodies pressing against him and dancing around him. A familiar looking blonde boy trailed after him, stopping to say hello to people and kiss cheeks. But the green-eyed boy just kept walking towards the bar.

My breathing was getting weird on me. Inhaling became difficult as I downed my glass of champagne, trying to wet my throat. When did my throat get so dry?

He was merely feet away from me, when I finally broke. I whipped around to face the bar as I waved the bartender down. He came up to me, a knowing smile on his face.

"Um, can I get another shot of whatever and a whiskey coke?" I said rushed.

"Make that two." A deep, gravelly voice came from my side.

I didn't turn to him. I knew I shouldn't. So I just smiled at the bartender and turned away from the guy from the gym. I fixed my eyes on the crowd and tried to ignore the eyes burning into the side of my head.

"Didn't think I would be seeing you again, especially not here."

I turned my head expecting a wink or some creepy grin, but instead it was a look of sheer awe. His eyes were wide as he peered at me.

"Why not? I don't strike you as the party type?" I shot at him, wondering where the flirty looks were. A little self conscious, I tugged the dress down.

His eyes followed my actions, drifting lazily over my legs and back up to my face. "Honestly? No, not at all." He answered, his eyes fixed on mine.

He's right. I just shrugged at him. And turned back to the bar to see our drinks. The bartender obviously over flirting with me. Curls handed me my shot as he took his in his hand. I caught sight on a tattoo along his collar bones. Two swallows. Why is that so familar? The confused look on my face must have been humorous as the boy chuckled, his dimples flashing.

"Alright, love?"

I shot him a glare as I downed my shot, biting feircely into my lime. He merely laughed again as he lifted the drink to his lips. His very full, soft looking lips. I frowned at the thought, watching the clear liquid slip into his mouth. He put the lime to his lips, a playful look in his eyes as I realized I was watching him.

I looked back out to the crowd, trying to place this boy. I knew him from somewhere other than the gym, but I just couldn't place it.

"You still don't know who I am, do you?" The deep voice spoke into my ear, warm breath tickling my ear.

I looked at him and frowned again, "No, I cant remember. I'm sorry." I blurted out, feeling guilty for some reason.

He held out his hand, "Dance with me, and I'll tell you." The lightness from the champagne bubbled up from my feet. I let a giggle escape, and I looked at him. What could it hurt? And all that tequila is making me want to move. I decided to let acohol take all the blame for tonight as I slipped my hand into his, surprising Curls, his name until the end of this dance.

We moved out into the crowd as the music picked up into a pulsing R&B/Techno mashup. We faced each other, a foot between us, just staring for a moment. Why the hell not? I threw all my judgements and inhibitions out the window and felt my body begin to move. I dropped my eyes from his and turned away from his curious gaze as I let the beat of my heart match that of the music. Losing any thought of the people around me, I closed my eyes and danced to the music, letting my hips roll to the upbeat song.

I felt large hands on my hips as a body pressed up to my back. Warm breathing on my neck made my blood pulse faster. All the liquor made me lightheaded as Curls let his hands wander down my side a little, skimming the edge of my dress, brushing bare skin. Our bodies continued to move together to the music.

His touch was intoxicating. I was drunk off his very presence, the achohol forgotten. The only thing that ran through my head was his fingrer tips skimming my arms, legs, hips. I grasped his hand in mind and pressed in on my waist, threading his fingers in mine. The song began to change and my mind cleared a little.

"Thirsty?" he called into my ear. I nodded vaguely, unable to speak.

Who are you, and what have you done to Kristal?

I let him grasp my hand and lead my to a private booth away from the loud crowd. I was going to inform him that the booths were reserved for VIP's, when I saw a large man in all black standing next to the booth. A body guard. Looks like its back to the bar and all the loud people.

I started to turn back.

"Ditching me already?" The beautiful accent sounding a little hurt coming from Curls.

"Its reserved, Curls, we can just chat at the bar or something." I responded.

He gave me an amused smile, when I realized that I had let his alias slip. Oops. He just grabbed my hand tighter and tugged me towards the booth and bodyguard.

"Paul, this is my friend, she'll be with me for the duration of the evening." He said giving the bodyguard a firm handshake. The large man just nodded at me and turned back towards the crowd.

""W-who are you?" I sputtered as he slipped into the booth.

He grinned at me as I slipped onto the half circle couch. His hand reached for mine as he opened his mouth to speak.

"I'm Ha-"

"WHAT ARE WE DRINKING, MATE!" a loud Irish, I think, yell came from next to Paul. The familiar blonde boy slipped in beside me, throwing me a goofy smile, "Oi, hallo there. Who might you be?"

His smile was infectious  so I smiled softly, holding my hand out for a handshke.

"I'm Kristal. People just call me Kris" I offered.

I heard a voice on the other side of me murmur my name like a prayer. Oh he made me name sound good. The blonde took my hand in his and pumped it excitedly.

"You're the girl from the gym, right? The fox at the punching bag!' His words came fast as he looked to his emerald-eyed friend.

I nodded, looking at Curls. His eyes flashed at me as he blushed. Well, isn't that adorable. I'm a fox?

"That was me, but I still don't know who you two are and its driving me crazy. I swear, I've seen you both before. Have you been to the gallery? Are you in my yoga class?" I was asking pretty extremely, secrets made me nervous.

The boys laughed at me together, sharing a knowing look.

"Well, love, I can assure you I've never taken a yoga class in my life, and I'll ask about the gallery another time. I'm Harry. Harry Styles. And my Irish partner would be Niall Horan." The deep voice made my skin warm.

Wait. Those names.

I looked on the table and grabbed a place card.


"Holy......" I put my head down on the table.

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