Chapter 8

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This fanfic does not belong to me! AnimeWolfGirl9 on own this fanfic. All credits go to the author.

Chapter 8: Epilogue

Everything was pretty much back to normal now that the whole sugar high/demon possessed Yoichi incident was now resolved. The study room was off limits for now as the repair crews took to erasing the damage done. The cafeteria was being reorganized (the specifics of the reasons weren't divulged however) and the water fountain had been repaired in the hallway. The group (minus Yoichi, who went to get checked out for a possible concussion) had to report to Guren in the end, but Shinoa said he seemed secretly amused with the whole incident.

Yu was glad that those hours (which had felt very long) were finally over and that it would never happen twice... except, he now found that Yoichi was missing again.

"Shinoa, do you know where Yoichi is?" the black-haired boy asked after class, feeling slight paranoia and déjà vu at the situation. A few days before, she had asked him the exact same thing.

"Hmm?" the purple-haired girl seemed stumped for a moment, taking time to think. He knew that this instantly wouldn't be a good sign, especially when her eyes widened a moment later. "Room 5...A, I think, but we'd better hurry."

"What did you do this time?" the exasperation he felt at questioning her apparently came with a side of teasing too.

"Yu-kun, why do you always have to blame me for your problems? That's not how a relationship works~" a sigh slipped at her words. To be honest, he wasn't quite sure what to make of their 'relationship,' as she put it. They were working through things.

"The honorific sounds a bit weird," the boy decided not to go along with her joking. She gave him a look, but seemed to agree.

"Yeah, so you thought so too." She shook her head. Yeah, they were definitely still figuring things out. "Your fan club is in Room 5-A. I simply mentioned to Yoichi that they were having a party."

"What for?" Even as the question lingered on his mind, the thought of something worse happening took up much more of his thoughts. Last time Yoichi had technically attended a party, it had been the 'cookie party' that he (or his demon; the brown-haired boy hadn't necessarily cleared up a lot of what had happened) had thrown in the study room.

"I'm not sure. Probably because a new member joined them."

"A new... member?" Yu found his confusion mounting as they made their way towards the classroom. "I sort of wish they would disband already."

"You're always so blunt, uncaring of a maiden's feelings~" another tease made him give her a look, so she quickly dropped the subject. "I do agree though, especially since..."

Shinoa trailed off as they stood in front of Room 5-A. They didn't really have to speak about what had transpired between them in the one-way corridor attached to the study room. It did make some conversations a bit... awkward though.

"Well, let's go get Yoichi then!" the purple-haired girl said the words with such certainty that Yu knew he should have suspected that he was being pulled into a trap. Even more so when Shinoa slipped her hand in his before she practically dragged him into the room. His face heated up at the action, but he knew there was nothing he could really do about it.


"Yoichi-san, you really shouldn't disappear on us!" Shinoa ignored his embarrassed whisper and instead - ignoring the group of girls that were now glaring or mourning in the corner of the room - called out to their friend.

A messy mop of brown hair appeared from over by one of the tables. The boy turned around, a smile on his face when he recognized them. "Yu-kun, Shinoa-san!" One hand waved at them, while the other held something that made both of them panic: an iced chocolate brownie.

"No!" Yu let go of Shinoa's hand and rushed forward, knocking the brownie out of the brown-haired boy's hand. The dessert went flying across the room, which thankfully distracted the fan girls who had managed to catch it. As Shinoa joined them, the boy knew she was going to say something pertaining to the action.

"A brownie caught by the 'hero;' wonder where they're going to put that," she smiled at them, seemingly relieved that he had been able to get the brownie away from their friend. "I never knew you developed an instinctual reaction to Yoichi-san avoiding sweets as well."

Yu sighed, glancing around the room. Several things that he saw - such as banners with writing on them - caused the full story to piece itself together. "Yoichi, you... joined my fan club?!"

"Huh?" Yoichi seemed a bit surprised at the extreme reaction. "Of course I did. We're friends and it's something honoring you, right?"

The brown-haired boy clearly didn't understand how wrong the situation was, so Yu grabbed his wrist and proceeded to drag him out of the room. "We're leaving and you're not joining the fan club. Don't you know how weird that is?"

"Ah!" Yoichi reached for something else on the table when he realized that he was being dragged away, but Shinoa thankfully made sure he couldn't get anything. A pout appeared on his face a moment later. "Yu-kun, I don't understand..."

"Last time you ate sweets, we had a big problem. I don't think you should eat many anymore."

"B-but... it was only a little more than I should have... until Gekkoiun ate more..." Yoichi stuttered, clearly trying to find an excuse. Shinoa laughed at the boy's reaction, clearly not expecting it.

"Maybe we should put a notice up after all: 'Yoichi-san can only have 1 sweet per three days'~"

"Aww~ I didn't sleep well last night so I thought that eating something would give me more energy." Now that the boy mentioned it, he did seem tired. Still...

"You're never going to learn, aren't you?" Yu sighed, wondering if this was going to be a recurring theme from now on. The other boy's comment, however, did make him curious. The black-haired boy thought that his friend and the bow-demon had been on good terms, so why would 'she' (used loosely) be using that technique?

"Shinoa-san is the one who mentioned the party and that the club was looking for more members..." Passing the blame much? Although, if Yoichi's words were true... Then Shinoa was the one who set this up!

"Hey, Shino-" Yu turned around, searching for the purple-haired girl, but then realized that she wasn't there. Seriously, again?!

"She must have snuck off," Yoichi leaned to peek into the other hallway, not seeing their friend there either. When the brown-haired boy realized that Yu was going to run off again - most likely to search for the missing girl - his hand reached for the doorknob. The former orphan saw this though and dragged the other boy with him.

"You're coming with me until-" he stopped his sentence, spying a familiar blonde haired girl coming down the hallway. "Hey Mitsuba, make sure he doesn't eat any sugar!"

Yu brought the brown-haired boy towards the blonde, practically pushing the other boy into her path, before he stormed off. This left Yoichi and Mitsuba both very uncomfortable and confused, right before the brown-haired boy realized why he hadn't been able to sleep.

"I forgot to ask them." Yoichi waved his hand, trying to get the black-haired boy's attention. "Yu-kun, what exactly happened while I was passed out?!"

Yu didn't answer him, however, and the brown-haired boy was left with an unanswered question. He figured he would just have to tell Gekkoiun that he didn't know.

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