Chapter 3 the next day/making ammends

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Draco's pov
I woke up with a smile on my face. Today I was going to ask for Hermione's forgiveness. I got up and got dressed and made my way to the common room. I didn't see Hermione there so I left for breakfast. I walked in the great hall to see her at the table talking with her friends Potter and Weasley and the girl Weasley. I went and sat down with Blaise and Pansy. "Hey dude, sleep well?" Blaise asks. " yeah. Slept great" I replied and looked over to Hermione who was laughing at something Weasley said. She looks pretty when she laughs. "Dude, did you hear me?" Blaise asks breaking me out of my trance. "Um sorry, no I didn't." I replied turning to him. " I said are you ready for classes to start." Blaise said. "No, are you guys?" I ask. "No way" Pansy answered. "No" Blaise replied. After breakfast we head to our first class. Potions with Gryffindor. We walk in the door and sat down. Professor Slughorn started the class. "Today we will be working on the draught of peace which is said to relieve the drinker from anxiety. You will be working in pairs of two for this assignment. I will choose your partners. Mr Malfoy and Ms Granger, Mr potter and Mr Zambini, Ms Parkinson and Mr Weasley. " he continued down the list until he was finished. " now pair up" he said. They unwillingly went to their new seats. I sat down next to Hermione and smile at her. She just sighed in frustration at us having to work together. "I'll go get the stuff."I say to her. I got the stuff and sit down. It is time to apologize. It's now or never. "Um Granger? I need to say something to you." I tell her. "Spit it out will you?" She replies. "Ok. Imsorryforeverything" I say a little to quickly. "Please repeat. A little slower this time." Hermione said. "I'm sorry for everything." I say normally. " I was a total jerk and I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. I had no choice to be like that. I was forced into the life of a death eater with no way out. That is until Potter defeated you know who and me and my friends Blaise and Pansy were free of that forced life which was inflicted on us by our death eater parents. After the war our parents were sent to Azkaban and we all changed for the better. I changed Granger. Can we call a truce and become friends? It will actually be easier to share head duties if we are friends" I ask. She turns to me and smiles. " I accept your apology... Friend" she replies. We smile and start on the potion.
Pansy's pov
Can't believe I'm stuck with the Weasel. I would rather be working with Draco or Blaise. They were there for me when I had nobody. They are my best friends. Now I have to work with Weasley for the project. At least he's cute. Wait what? I can't think like that he's supposed to be the enemy. Well the war is over so maybe things can change. Maybe I should become nicer. Maybe we can be friends. But what would the boys think. Draco hates Weasley and Potter. I think I'm going to say hi. "Hi Weasley do you want me to get the ingredients?" He nods and I get the stuff and sit back down. "Want to get started?" He nods again. What is it with all the nodding. He hasn't spoken to me yet. "Why haven't you said anything to me yet. It's supposed to be a group assignment" I ask. "Why are you being so nice to me? I thought you hated me. I've always heard you were mean and stuck up like Blaise and Draco. " Ron asked me. "Before the war I was those things I hated you and your friends. I was prejudice and mean. I did it because I didn't have a choice. I had to be prejudice, because of my dad being a death eater. After you-know-who was killed,we decided to change. Draco, Blaise and I are trying to change our old ways and start over. This is my way of trying to apologize and put the differences between us." I explained. He had a surprised look on his face. " I had no idea. Sorry you had to endure that pain." Ron replied. "Thanks. Draco and Blaise helped be get through the rough times. So do you forgive me? We could become friends if you want?" I ask him. "I see you are trying to change, so I will accept the offer. Now let's get started on the project." He answers smiling at me. Yes it's working he's opening up to me. We are friends now. I hope with us becoming friends, others can change too. I know, I'm different now but I think it's for the better. I smile back at him and we start the potion.
Blaise's pov
I can't believe I'm stuck with Potter. Or as Draco calls him saint Potter. The chosen one, the one who defeated you-know-who and fought in the battle of Hogwarts. However he saved Draco's life, and mine for that matter. I think an apology is in order. "Thanks for taking down you-know-who and saving Draco and I from the fire. Because of you we are alive. You saved Draco, Pansy and I from the reins of our death eater father's. After the war, our fathers were sent to Azkaban and we were free from that forced life. We are changing for the better. So I am thanking you and asking for a truce." I explained. I extend a hand and Potter turns to me. "Asking for forgiveness is the first step to becoming a better person. Truce." He replies, shaking my extended hand. Then we start on the potion.
Nobody's pov
45 minutes later...
"Ok class, time is up" Professor Slughorn announced. He goes to everyone to check their potions. "The winners are ms Granger and Mr Malfoy. Congratulations to you both. Class dismissed." Professor Slughorn adds. The day passed on and the students went about their usual schedules. After the day was over the golden trio plus Ginny went and sat under a tree near the black lake. It was peaceful this time of day and it was their favorite place to hang out.
Ginny's pov
I sat down next to my boyfriend Harry, my brother Ron, and one of my girl best friend's Hermione, as we stare out to the black lake. Harry was saying how Blaise apologized to him and then called a truce. Hermione said that Malfoy also apologized and asked to be friends. Then my brother spoke up and said that Pansy also apologized and that they became friends as well. After they were done explaining their stories of their forced life I spoke up. "So the Silver trio finally made amends to the Golden trio." I stated with a smile. We all giggled at me calling Draco, Blaise, and Pansy the silver trio. It was getting late so we all headed to our common rooms.
Hermione's pov.
After talking and relaxing for hours it was getting late so we headed to bed. I walk to me common room and greet professor Lupin's portrait with a smile. "Hello Professor, how are you this evening?" I ask. " I'm great 'Mione, how have you been holding up?" He asks me. " I'm fine, thank you. Goodnight professor. Golden snitch" I reply and the portraits door opens. I step inside and find Malfoy sitting on the couch. I think if we are going to become friends I should start calling him Draco. "Hi" I say to Draco. He turns around and smiles. He has a cute smile. Wait what? I shake of the thoughts. "Hey, want to sit?" He asks gesturing to the spot on the couch next to him. I sit down next to him. "Thanks for giving me a second chance Hermione, it means a lot." He says to me. He said my name. He actually said my name. I smiled. It's different coming from him but nice. "Should be start patrolling the halls?" Draco asks me. "Oh yeah sure." I reply and walk out the door and hold it open for him. After patrol we go back to our room. "Good night Draco" I said before heading to bed. "Goodnight Hermione" Draco responded before going to his room. I then start to get ready for bed. I get into bed and fall asleep. Around midnight I hear Draco scream in his room, so I run to his room. I see him tossing and turning. He's screaming "no, no, no" over and over, sweat dripping of his forehead. I tap his shoulder to wake him up. He shot up and looked at me. "Are you ok?" I ask. I take my wand and I summon a rag and a bowl of ice water from the bathroom. I dip the cloth into the water and dab it on his forehead to cool him down. "I had a terrible nightmare" he answered. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask as I re-dip the cloth and place it on his forehead one more. " I was running down a long Hallway as death eaters here chasing me for betraying you-know-who and there were no doors for miles. They were shooting hexes at me and tried to disarm me hurt me. I was hit with Sectumsempra, the spell Harry hit me with during our sixth year here and I fell to the cold cobblestone floor and started bleeding out. One of the death eaters caught up to me. I then see him hover above me. I pleaded for my life by saying no,no, no in hopes of being saved, then you woke me up." He explained. "That's terrible" I said rubbing his back in order to comfort him. I gesture him so he can lay on my lap while I cool him down. He lay his head on my lap and looks up to me. I ring the rag one more and I place it on him again, leaving it there this time. I stroke his beautiful blond locks and within minutes he was asleep again. I lay back and fall asleep.

Well that was chapter 3 more to come soon.

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