A New Day

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Later that week, I told Nicole that I liked the boy from track. I should probably stop calling him that. Anyways, his name is Kiro, and I swear I am in love with this boy.

"You should go talk to him." Nicole says, pointing to where he's sitting on the other side of the class room.

"No way. He'd never like me or even want to talk to me." I sigh. The only thing scaring me is what happened a long time ago.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" I say, in a small voice. He just laughs in my face.

"Why would I? Loser" He says this in front of his friends. They all start pointing and laughing. I simply hang my head in shame. Could this be worse?

~Flashback Over~

His friends, needless to say, told the whole school and spread nasty rumours about me. All because of that they shoved me to the bottom of the high school food chain. Kiro has already made his way to the top, so why would he even notice me? I see fingers snap in my face. It's Nicole and she seems pissed.

"Emily! Notice that I'm talking to you." I snap my eyes up to look at her and mumble an apology.

"What were you saying?" She shakes her head.

"We have PE now. Let's go." We stand up and start walking to class. Because I can, I start to skip down the hall. Nicole and I decide it would be a good idea to race, and it causes me to fall flat on my face.

"Em!! You ok?!" I nod and try to stand, only to fall back to the ground.

"My foot. I think I landed funny or something. Can you help me?" She nods and helps me up, allowing me to use her shoulder as a crutch. Slowly, we hobble our way to PE.


"Go sit over there." The teacher tells me. I go sit on the bleachers ready to watch Kiro run.

After watching him for a bit, something just seems off. He looks different.

Maybe it's his hair? I think to myself. This really is weird.

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