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Best song to listen too while reading:
Drama- Roy Woods ft. Drake


My gaze shifted towards Jimin's watch indicating that it was thirty minutes past midnight. The continuous rain that occurs each morning left the sidewalks glistening, the cold breeze raising goosebumps all over my skin.

"Let's eat, I know that you didn't snack on anything at the party. "

"I ate before we left, momma. " my tone whiny, before he releases a breathy laugh.

"I'm your mom now?"

"That's something she would say that's what I meant, you know?"

"Nope." His hands tucked away in his jacket pockets the moonlight fading out his bronzed complexion.

" Have you been living under a rock or do you have the mom that never disciplined yo-,"

"No, I like to think of me as more of a dad, daddy, or like father type."

"Kinky." I say flatly, my eyes sneaking a peek at his face in response, but just getting a subtle smirk on his pink lips.

" Well I didn't mean it like that, but I'll try anything once. ". Watching me from the corner of his eyes, his smirk breaking into a full blown smile.

"Fine, fine, so should we pick up something to eat? " shifting the conversation before he notices how flustered I am.

"Yeah, let's get some takeout. " picking my head up to see that the only place open was a lit up Chinese restaurant.

Leading me into the restaurant, he greets the tired woman behind the counter with a warm smile, before placing our orders.

Shuffling into the booth near the fluorescent window the refs and orange flickering lights making a subtle mood lighting that puts me at ease.

Jimin soon comes to sit next to me by shoving me closer to the window.

" I hope you know that people who sit next to each other in booths are weird." I say to lighten the hard look he has.

"I like the physical contact. It's late, dark, and your presence close to me makes me feel sure that you're safe. "

"Jimin you're not that big, and not intimidating, and lastly I made it every night alive without you. "

"Oh no, my masculinity is deteriorating. " His voice sarcastic filled, before hearing a bell go off.

"Go and get our food Mr. Macho. " I say pushing him out of the both, and move to stand by the exit.

Waving a quick "Bye," at the lady behind the counter we step out and into a light drizzle.

"Let's speed walk it."

"But I don't want to." He states blandly.


picking up speed in front of him, my hand pulling his hands out of his pocket to clasp around his large hands, as I lead the way to a small burger joint.

Entering the shop being greeted by the few people who are up and out at this late hour. I lead him to a booth by the window, my eyes watching him as he shuffles into the seat.

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