The Toilet Horror

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After two weeks of signing papers and moving furniture, you were finally and officially moved into your new house. It wasn't huge or fancy. Only two bedrooms and one bathroom, just big enough for you to live alone while you work on your writing career. It seemed like the perfect house to live in while waiting for your writing to finally get noticed. Well, except for one thing. There was something of about the house, and it was the toilet. You aren't typically paranoid, but this is your first time living alone. You had no reason to be scared of the toilet. It just gave off a weird feel, and made lots of strange noises.
'I'm just tired' you would think every time you began to be creeped out by it. And this was mostly true. You spent most of your nights either writing or on the Internet.
   It was two weeks after you had moved in. You woke up in a cold sweat after a nightmare. You looked over to the alarm clock. 4 am. Then, you had that feeling.
You had to go. You really didn't want to. The toilet was scarier at night, after all. But it was either go now, or pee the bed. The latter of which is frowned upon at age 23. You kicked off your covers and slid your legs to the side. Standing up, you then made your way to the bathroom.  As you opened the door, your stomach made a noise. You really shouldn't have eaten Taco Chime earlier. You walked over to the toilet and sat down. The toilet began to make noises again. It sounded like whispering, but you weren't able to understand any of it. You were about to do your business, when one of the whispers came into focus. 'Mama Mia! That's a spicy meatball!' It said over and over again. You felt something grab your butt. Something slimy and cold.  The whispering got louder. Soon, it was basically shouting. You were pulled into the toilet. The toilet flushed. You could feel each individual bone breaking as you were pulled through the tiny pipe. There was no air. Black spots danced in your vision. 'Mama Mia! That's a spicy meatball!' was  the last thing you heard before you passed out. No one knows what happened to you. Nor will they ever. You were never seen or heard from again.

A/N- If there are any mistakes, don't hesitate to tell me. I did this off of my phone, so it isn't very well edited. Please comment, vote, and all that good stuff.

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