Chapter 2: A New Beginning Perhaps

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Where were we? Ah, now I remember.


I am Kotetsu Amagi. Is there any reason you are here for me? "I would like to have one of your parents available if at all possible before relaying the purpose of my visit", said Minamoto persistently. Mom! We have a visitor! "Lower your voice Kotetsu. It's rude to be loud as such when we have guess. Hi sir, what brings you to our home", asked Mrs. Amagi with this puzzled yet curious facial expression. Minamoto with no hesitation replied, "I have come for your son." "My son?? What did he do", inquired Mrs. Amagi? "My apologies for coming off so direct. My name is Kyoske Minamoto. What I mean is I would like to request your son to come with me. There is a place I think is better suited for him and will allow him to grow", Minamoto says with great emotion. Whoa, stop right there. I'm fine where I am. "No you're not. You're not being challenge. Those people you see each day cannot relate to you on a level you desire", interjectionally said by Minamoto. Minamoto continues on, " I have the perfect place for you Kotetsu." And where is this so called place that "I belong to"? Why would I go with you? My parent would not agree to this. "How much does it cost Mr. Minamoto much does it cost for Kotetsu to go with you", Mrs. Amagi vigorously wanted to know. Mom, what are you doing? Are you seriously thinking about letting me go with him? What would dad say about this? "Kotetsu, for some time I have seen how miserable this life has been fore you. Every day the same routine. You don't enjoy this life because there is much more you could be doing. Sweetie you are smart and I refuse to let you be limited because of our social status or limited resources. Your father would agree. So again Minamoto, how much does it cost", asked Mrs. Amagi so persistently. Minamoto with great intent, "It's free of tuition and all expenses...granted he can pass the entrance exams." "Well Kotetsu, I say give it a try. Worst case scenario you can always return home my dear son", says Mrs. Amagi with encouragement in mind. "I don't want to take any longer since I have other stops to make. Kotetsu the decision is yours. Think it over and tomorrow give this number a call", says Minamoto as he hands Kotetsu a all blue buisness card with white lettering on it. As Minamoto makes his way to the door to take his leave, "I look forward to a response from you, Kotetsu...whether it be you going or not."

8:23 pm

(Kotetsu's thoughts) How did all of this happen so fast? Who is this Minamoto guy really? He comes here saying things about my potential. He does not know me so how could he possibly know what I'm capable of. However, he had a few good points. I am not challenged enough and this existence is quite a bit mundane or uninteresting to say the least. Plus on top of that I am curious to see what it is he is talking about regarding this place I belong. Perhaps I should sleep on this....

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