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Walking into their room, started looking for a more presentable outfit for date night. Zach was holding up on his promise of taking her out so she decided to get all made up up for him.

All day she had time to think things through and she decided to fully
forgive him and just continue with life.

Everyone makes mistakes, and what he did wasn't that bad, she thought to herself.

Cassie searched through her
closet and pursed her lips, trying to decide something fun, but sexy to wear. She
finally decided on a simple outfit, dark blue skinny jeans and a white, top.

She figured she could accessories ot with some jewelries that she had somewhere in one of her dresser drawers.

She wriggled into the skinny jeans, pulled on her shirt, and walkd
over to the dresser to check through her drawers to find herself jewelries that were hidden somewhere there............ ...

"Aha!" sh exclaimed to herself, smiling as she looked down in her underwear drawer and
spotted her hidden bag of jewelry

. She picked out a big necklace, put it on and donned herself with the perfume she recently bought at a nearby store. She glanced at herself
quickly in the mirror, hoping for once to be proud of the way she looked. As usual she just couldnt help but notice her flaws as usual.

She took a step closer to the mirror and cupped her face in her hands and took a closer look. She didn't like
her slightly bulky nose, which wasn't too big but it wasn't like that of those models on TV.

Her eyebrows weren't waxed regularly so there were getting a little too thick for her liking and her lips were small . Cassie took a step back and sighed at her small boobs, she looked all the way down noticing how large her thighs were getting........ "Zach was right", she told herself.

She jumped slightly as Zach's knocked on the door and peeped in through the door.

"You ready? The movie starts in twenty minutes." Zach asked, glancing at his phone.

"Yeah, I'm ready". "Do I look pretty?" she asked shyly.

"Where is this coming from?"

"I don't know...I just feel big and funny. I look nothing like those blonde supermodels on set"

"So dye your hair blonde. I think it would be hot. C'mon, let's go. I don't want to be late."he said impatiently, tapping his foot.

Cassie sighed and walked towards him and took his hand. When they walk down to the car she realized that they haven't decided
on a movie together yet.

"Zach wait, what movie are we seeing?"

" orphan " he said slowing down at a stop sign.

"Blah, that's........... I don't want to see it again. It looks kinda scary. I thought we would be seeing the perfect guy." she suggested.

"We're going to see the orphan, cassandra."

"But - "

"Fine. Go watch your movie. I'll just go out to the club where I met you and pick you up when it's done? How's that?" Zach asked making her feel guilty for he suggestions .

Why would he want to go to that pick up spot? Was he going to just leave her like that?

"Okay, we'll go see "orphan."
Cassie a greed with a quiet sigh and Zach smiled. Their slight disagreement ended just as
soon as they pulled up to the cinema and parked.

Zach got out of the car and held out his hand waiting for her to take .
She was still a bit hurt about his comment on going to the club where he met her and debated if she should take his hand or not, but ended up taking it so no drama would
be caused. They walked in hand-in-hand and paid for their tickets and went right inside the theater.

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