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Stay. High. Stay High. You're gone and I gotta stay high all the time.

A song from Tove Lo keep playing in my mind. Over, over and over again. I grabbed my black sweater from the couch , using it lazily and then roll my length-shoulder hair turns into a bun mess. God. This is sunday. I have nothing to do. I sat on the couch, pull my laptop way closer to me and checking it. Nothing really happen in that machine. My life is filled with loneliness, sorrow, fake friends, and ofcourse no love. I even believe that my family hates me. All of 'em. Even my mom wanted to bring me to psychology to check if i'm still normal or not. I'm normal. I just............. dead inside.

The only one that didn't really hates me is my dad. He is passed away when i was 14. The worst day ever, and i wouldn't be suffer if Ethan won't leave me. Ah. Ethan. Talking about him, he still the best thing i ever had.

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