Chapter 3

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"Being junior isn't that easy. Right?" Lita looked at me a while and then handed me a few books. Ofcourse. New class, new books. And new teacher nah.

Someone rubbed my shoulder gently, I turn my body over that silly human.


He smiled at me. His smile way still the same when he asked me out in the forest. The innocent version of him. Ethan Adams that i love untill now.

His dimples appeared while he smiled widely. Oh gosh. He is way taller right now. I still remember when he bought me a box of pizzas and went to my home. We do a slept over together. Ethan , Lita and a few others.

"You look cute with those clothes, Janella. No kidding. You look amazing today! Gosh. I'm not flattering you. Okay?" He stared at my clothes and then my face.
I blushed slightly and bit my lower lip gently. I smiled and then nodded a little at him.

"Thank you , E! You look pretty cool in your second years in high school. I adore you. And anyway, thank you. I mean it. I really i am." I tried to give him the best and the sweetest smile that i ever have. But it's actually become a smirks. Ethan grabbed my hand.

"My Janella. I have a plan for us. Would you mind to go with me? Just both of us. Together. Erm. Like a date?" He laughed a little and his face turned into red like tomatoes. I stand there quitely in front of him and freeze for a few seconds. Nodded quickly as his lips curls to a pout.

He rubbed the palm of my hand gently. Carelessed it softly as i laughed. He smiled and showed off his dimples again.

"I'll text you later, Janella."

He nodded gently and showing off his dimples still. Lita standing still beside me. Laughing hardly as he nodded.

"Bad girl with good luck."
I messed up with her hair and then ran fastly to my class.

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