(As Promised) The Rant.

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Quote- "School is practice for the future, and practice make perfect. But nobody's perfect, so why practice?"

                                                                               ~Bille Joe Armstrong


I chose this quote because I think it is true. Armstrong is basically stating that school is useless because we go to school and "Practice for the future" so we can be perfect n our lives. Well then again, Armstrong states that no one is perfect, which is true, so whats the point of practicing?

Billie Joe Armstrong dropped out of high school so he could progress in his music career. And look where that got him, he is the lead singer in a famous punk band called Green Day, The band is in the Rock N Roll Hall Of Fame, and he has won a truck load of awards.

So what Armstrong has modeled is that even if you don't go to school, your life can still go the way you want it. To Armstrong, Music was the only thing he wanted to do, but school blocked the way of that. So, he quit and now he is famous worldwide for his music. He has shown us that there is no use for school. That we can do what we want to. And there is no one telling him different, so who should tell us different? I could go on, but Im running out of room. So Im going to end my rant off here. -END OF RANT-


Trust me, it looked longer on paper XD

There you go cx

Sorry for the long wait.

-Aaron Xx

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