Chapter 15

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That evening I got a response from Neville. Lucky came and placed a letter from him on my lap as I was sitting reading Muggle books in front of the fire in the common room. I tore it open and opened it. He told me that he and his Gran were happy that I would be joining them for Thanksgiving. He told me to come around 10 to help cook and to have the whole day to hang out. He didn't know what time I would be able to go back to Hogwarts but it wouldn't be later than 8 or 9 o'clock. He gave me his address and told me he would see me soon. I grinned as I thought of a proper Thanksgiving meal for the first time in years.

The next morning I decided to skip breakfast and read the end of my book instead. I was almost done with my book when the portal door was activated.

I looked up and said, "Oh hi Blake. How's your holiday?"

He came and sat down next to me, "Good. You weren't at breakfast, are you okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah I just wanted to read, why? Did I miss something?"

He shook his head, "No, I was just worried. I brought you up a scone though."

I took the pastry from his hand with a smile, "Nah I'm fine. I just really wanted to finish this book and I wasn't that hungry."

He nodded, "That's good," this was followed by a moment of silence before he said, "So how are you? Did anyone else stay?"

I shook my head, "Nope, it's just me for fourth years. What about you? Who else from Slytherin stayed?"

"Just 2 7th years and 1 first year and a second year. No one I know."

I smiled, "I guess it's just me and you then."

He laughed, "That's fine by me. We need to catch up anyways. I haven't had a deep conversation with you in almost a month. Neville keeps stealing all the good conversations from me."

I smacked him on the arm, "Hey Neville is a good guy. I really like talking to him, he's easy to talk to. "

Blake clutched at his heart, "Ouch I'm hurt. I thought you liked talking to me."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course I like talking to you too Blake. I like talking to both of you."

"When the two of you are together do you do more than just talk? Is there anytime when you find yourself unable to talk because there is something on your lips?"

I smacked him on the arm again harder, "Blake Cox! No I don't kiss Neville. We just talk."

He held his hands up in surrender, "Okay, okay I was just making sure. Because there's definitely something going on there, so what is it?"

I rolled my eyes, "There's nothing going on between the two of us. We are just close friends. Dating him would be like dating you or another one of my best friends."

"So you wouldn't date me?" asked Blake feigning hurt, "Even with my ruggedly handsome good looks and my fascinating conversations with you?"

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Shut up. I'm going over to Neville's on Thanksgiving, but the rest of the time I'm all yours."

He put his arms around me, "Good, I need my lil Jessica to talk to."

I squirmed out of his grip and said, "So how have you been then?"

Blake and I passed the next three days together. We were inseparable again. He would come up to the Gryffindor tower earl y in the morning and wait until I was up. We would go to breakfast together and then maybe the library or out to the Quiddatch pitch or sit by the water. We wouldn't leave each other until curfew was upon us. We talked and joked around and slowly we became as comfortable with each other as we had been in first and second year.

Thanksgiving came and I got up early to get ready. I had talked to Severus and he said I would take the Floo Network to the Longbottom's from the fireplace in the Headmaster's office. I decided on Muggle clothing instead of robes for today.

I put some jeans, a sweater and some cowboy boots on paired with a necklace and earrings. I let my hair down for now. I went into the bathroom to do some makeup. I put on a little more than normal as an effort to make a good first impression on Neville's Gran.

Throughout the past few days Blake had kept asking what was going on between me and Neville and each time I would tell him there was nothing, that we were only friends. His constant nagging was making me think twice and think about Neville in a whole new way. He used to have such a baby face that it was impossible to think about him in any sort of romantic way but over the past summer he had grown a few inches causing him to thin up and his face had become sharper, more defined. We had been talking all the time and I always felt comfortable with him. I knew I didn't like him right now, but there were definitely possibilities with him.

Once I was ready I snapped out of my thoughts and went down to the Great Hall. I ran in a grabbed a scone before walking down to the dungeons and letting myself into Severus's office.

"Hi Jessica, are you ready to go?"

I nodded, "Yeah I told him I'd be there in about half an hour so I figured I'd come down and say bye then go up to the Headmaster's office and floo over."

"Okay well have a good thanksgiving. Just come down once you get back so I know you got back alright."

I smiled, "Of course. I'll see you later then, bye. Happy thanksgiving."

So here's a bit of Blake and Jessica for you guys even if it's not super cute or anything. Next chapter with Neville and Jessica it definitely is so yay! Vote and comment if you enjoyed it :))

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