The Next Day.

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"Amanda, get up. It's 8:30." I hear as I open my eyes to see Penny standing next to my bed. "K. I'm getting up." I reply as I pull myself into sitting position. "Kevin. its morning. Keviiiin." I say in a soft voice. Kevin is my dog. she sleeps in my bed with me. I start to hear her tail hitting my bed and I see my blanket moving. I lift it up and let her out. Yes, Kevin is a girl. No, not based from the movie UP. I've had her before that movie came out. anyways, Kevin gets up, stretches, and hops off my bed and trots down the hallway. I get out of bed, take my phone off the charger and follow her. "You wanna go outside? huh? do ya?" I say to Kevin in a baby voice. She goes in cirlces and walks up to the back door and when she gets there she looks at me to open the door. I let her out and I see two little puppies running up the steps to say hello. "oh that's right! Today is Monday. Dad brought the puppies back." I say out loud. I greet them and then go back inside and shut the door behind me. I go to the kitchen to see my medication laying on the counter with a glass of apple juice. "She knows me so well." I say softly. I pop the pills in my mouth and gulp down all the apple juice. "ahh" I say as I walk into my grandparents room to go to the office. "Well Goodmorning." my grandpa says as he taps my back and walks by me. "Mornin." I say as I sit in front of my computer hitting the spacebar to turn on the monitor. the screen lights up and the first thing I see is Niall Horan from One Direction staring at me. *sigh* I pick up my phone and start to text Alex. "Hey. I can go to the concert." *send*

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