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 Thinking of killing somebody so excruciation, can be very hard. See I've been acused of killing my own mother. Because, I was crazy. Maybe I was crazy but not crazy enough to kill my mother. I was apart of it, but I did not kill her. So here I am in this Mental Hospital, for four years. I was only thirteen when this happen. When everybody in the city of Miami was scared of me, because I was crazy. Crazy . . . off . . of  . . . crack. 

It was very hard for me to get use of this environment. Never did I ever, have any true friends that cared about me. And there I learned, in this world of ours you can't trust people. One second, they'll be your best friend, chilling and laughing with you. But, the next second they'll be with there other friends, talking shit about you. While your there, thinking every things good. Your the one, looking stupid. But that's how life is. I've been thinking about life, ever since I've been here. I have a plan. Everything planned out, for my life. 

I'm finally getting out of this hell hole in 2 mouths, so I thank the lord. He knows how much I don't want to be in here, it's the worse. Every night, I never sleep comfortable because of my nightmares.

One from last night, was just like the others. I was in my room, at my old house where I use to live. It was dark and bitterly cold. I felt the brisk air come over my face. The door was closed, the window wasn't opened, and the air conditioner was on. So I wondered how do I feel, coll air coming over me. And that's when, I feel a heavy person bringing me down to the ground. Covering my nose and mouth, so I wouldn't be able to breathe. I didn't see who the person was because they were covered in all black. To be honest, I always thought it was some what a demon. 

My thoughts go cut off, when one of the nurses came in. "Hello, Mr.Crippen we have a visitor for you." she said, smiling. I smiled back. "Mhm, okay." I then got up, and walked after her she was taking me, into the visting center. Were we get to sit down, with the person who came to see us. I rearly get visitors, so i'm wondering who can this be.

I walked into the center, and Mrs.Olive pointed to a table, of three people sitting at. I couldn't see there faces that well, so I just nodded my head and walked closer to them. A police officer stood up. And brought his hand out, asking for a hand shake. I shook his hand, properly.

"Hello, sir" I said. "Hello Crippen," he replied back "come sit." I pulled out the chair next to him, and this women they I quit didn't know. "Crippen, this is Mrs.Yale and Ms.Tracy" he said, Mrs.Yale was the one sitting next to me. Ms.Tracy was the one, across from me. I smiled at both of them. "Nice, meeting you guise" i'm honestly not this nice, but I have to act cool so my plan can go well. 

"Now that were all situated. Crippen you know you only have 2 more mouths, and your our. Your 16 years old, and therefore your getting adopted by Ms.Tracy, she's sure about that as well. And, Mrs.Yale is the Principal of Miami High School, and because your use to that neighborhood, we thought it would be great for you to go there. Is that okay" the police man asked me.

I was very happy about this. Going to school? check . I smiled, bulky "Yes that's wonderful". 

The police man, nodded his head. "Than alright, 2 mouths were enrolling you into your new school. And, it's going to be a fresh new school year for everybody as well." I knew everybody was on summer break, going to parties having fun, and sniffing crack . . . that's what got me here in the first place, as well.

*          *          *          *        *        *         *

Meanwhile  on the Plane. . . . .

"Noelle wake up" I heard my mother, yell in my ear she was shaking me from my, nap I had in the airplane. "Okay, mother i'm awake." I woke up to a bright sunny sky, shiny from the window. I covered my face, from the window and got up from the seat. 

"Take your luggage" my mother told me. I got my luggage from the space, the airplane administrator gave us.

My brother was already wide awake, with his things in his heads. "Carilyn, is bringing the rest of our materials later tonight" my mom smiled. I smiled back. 

"Alright, now let's hit the rode." we waited for everybody in front of us to exit out of the plane, we then jaunt our way to our rented car. "Come on guise" my mother said, briskly. We got our things in the car, and drove off. It only took about 23 minutes for us, to get to our new house. It wasn't to small, and it wasn't to big, it was perfect. 

I smiled at the sight, and go right out. I forgot about the luggage I had, and went straight to the front door, of the house. My mother had already gave me a key, so I was able to unlock the door. I then opened it, and smelt that flowery smell that you never smell in Detroit. I smiled, again. I'm going to love this house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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