Chapter 1

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I fiddled with my dress spinning around to try and get the whole view of my short white sparkly out fit in the mirror and giving up with a sigh. I stared at my reflection as I put some eye shadow to play up my bright green eyes before running a hand over my long dark brown curls that went down to just above my lower back to attempt to keep them in check. I put the finishing touches on before walking down hall to get ready to put on my cap and gown. 2 years later and I was finally graduating with honors in Hair and Make up. I reached into my bra pulling out my phone and scrolled through the numbers looking for just the right one.

To: twinner <3

Are you gunna make it? I'm about to graduate?

I sent that fidgeting with my phone anxiously awaiting for my twin brothers text back.

From: twinner <3

Sorry sis. Plane left late. Ill be there tonight xx

With a sigh I placed my phone in my bag standing in line waiting for my name to be called to get my degree. "Hope Styles." The principle called. I took a deep breath before smiling and walking out taking my papers and heading to my mum.

"Harry?" I said as a huge smile crossed my face. "Don't think I'd miss my twin sisters graduation from college do ya?" He laughed pulling me into his arms and spinning. "I missed you!" I said throwing my cap and gown in a bin and walked to the car with Harry and Mum. "I missed you too! " he said climbing in the car and driving us all home. Harry and the boys finished their tour a while ago but was still super busy preparing to start his next one tomorrow.

"How's the super star life?" I asked plopping down on the couch beside Harry and putting my feet on his lap. "It's great. The lads are amazing! Traveling is amazing! You should really meet them some time I think you'd like them." He said smiling down at me. "Maybe." I laughed wiggling my toes.

"What's next for you?" He asked nudging my arm. " Find a job I hope. Any ideas?" I asked letting out a little yawn. "I do actually...but hey give me a few ok." He asked pushing my feet off and walking out the door cell phone in hand. "Ok?" I muttered shrugging grabbing a magazine.


"Hey boys are we still looking for a stylist?" I asked into the phone while on conference with them. "Ya I think so why?" Niall said. "Well I got one and she can be ready for tomorrow." I said not asking them more telling. "Uh who?" Zayn asked worried probably about his hair. "My twin sister Hope." I stated walking around on the front lawn.

The phone was silent a moment till Louis spoke up. "You have a twin?!" He asked clearly shocked. I had neglected to tell them I had a twin to keep her out of the spotlight while she was going to school but now she was done so I didn't have to worry anymore about that.

"Yea. But don't worry I'm the better looking one." I chucked listening for an answer. "You sure that's a good idea?" Liam asked hesitantly. "Yes it's a great idea. She's the best." I snapped aggravated that they would even have to ask. I mean seriously she's a Styles would you expect anything less? "Ok.." They agreed trailing off. "Ya see you at the airport at 7 tomorrow morning." I said hanging up the phone and walking back into the house.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a banana peeling it as I walked to mums room. I softly knocked then entered when she told me too. "Hi Harry." She smiled patting a spot on her bed for me to sit. "Come." She smiled. I walked over jumping on and looking over at her laptop to see what she was doing.

"Looking for a job?" I questioned looking at the ads. "It's for Hope." She said after a minute closing the computer turning to look at me. "Actually about that. I kinda already got her one." I said shrugging as if it wasnt a big deal. "Doing what?" She asked squinting her eyes at me wondering what I was up to. "As One Direction stylist actually." I stated proudly.

"That's great son!" She said pulling me into a hug. "But now both my baby's are gunna be gone." She added pouting. I rolled my eyes laughing a bit. "Have you told her yet?" She asked one eyebrow lifting as she glanced at the clock that said it was after 9 pm and we were leaving tomorrow. "Not yet." I said shrugging. "Harry! Go tell her so she has time to pack!" She yelled smacking my head. "Ok ok I'm going." I muttered climbing off her bed and walking out.

I turned into the hall and went up the stairs to Hopes room and knocked walking in. "What's up?" She said pulling her head phones out of her ears. "I got you a job." I smiled as she eyed me. "As what.." She asked skeptically just like mum. "Does no one trust me?" I asked trying to act hurt. "Well you lost that when you tried to sell me in EBay for 5 bucks." She laughed sliding over so I could sit on her bad.

"I didn't sell you! But I did get you a job as One Directions Stylist." I said waiting for her to react. I huge grin spread across her face flashing dimples that mirrored mine.

"HARRY I LOVE YOU SO UBER MUCH!!" She screamed grabbing my face and kissing both my cheeks. "Gross Hope." I said wiping her kisses away. We leave to be at the airport by 7 am." I said turning to leave. " didn't give me much time to pack!" She yelled running to her closets and grabbing her suit cases as I walked out.


I packed my clothes fast trying to make sure I didn't for get anything important. By 4 am I hand my whole closet packed but a couple pairs if shoes I was determined to bring but didn't have room for. I could wear my ugg boots but I had 2 pairs of heels still. I walked quietly to Harrys room and woke him up. "Harry." I whispered shaking him.

"Go away Lou." He muttered swatting his hand. "Harry you idiot it's me Hope! Can I put some shoes in your bag?" I whispered opening his suit case anyways and putting them in. "Ya." He murmured turning away from me. I knew I should really sleep but I would only get about half an hour so I found no point. I waked into the bathroom and had a shower making sure I washed me hair and got all the soap out before shaving a jumping out.

I wrapped a towel around my body just as a knock sounded at the door. "Are you naked?" Harry asked groggily. "No come in." I said leaning over and unlocking the door. He walked in in only his boxers and went around the corner hopping in the shower himself as I blow dried my hair. I was used to it, had been living with it for 19 years now. I finished my hair the brushed the thick curls forcing then into nice ringlets. Once I was satisfied I walked to my room and put on a pair of grey baggy sweat pants that said One Direction on the bum and I red half hoodie. I found out I forgot to leave a tank top out so I was going bare bellied not that I didn't do that all the time. I pulled my uggs on last before pulling my bags out to Harrys car and walked back in.

"I need a picture before you leave." mum said pushing my to Harrys side. I was a midget at 5'3 compared to Harrys 6 something frame. "I love you both and ill miss you lots! And Harry take care of your sister!" She scolded pushing him out to the car. "Bye mum love you!" We called as Harry pulled away and started to the airport.

"So I'm wicked excited!!" I smiled facing Harry. "I don't know how you are considering the hour." He muttered ruffling his hair.

Not long after we were at the airport Harry "Security" or something came and got our bags taking them all but out carry ons. "There's the boys." Harry said raising his hand to wave as 3 hand raised. " I thought there was 4?" I asked smiling once we got closer. "Ya Liam's not here." He whispered closing the distance. "Hey guys this is my sister Hope. Hope this is Niall, Zayn, and Louis. He said pointing to each boy.

"I thought you said you were the one with all the looks Harry." Niall joked punching Harry. Harry just rolled his eyes. I glanced around looking for Liam. I saw what I thought was him with a girl with long light brown hair with Blue steaks walking up to us. "Who's she?" I whispered leaning in to ask Harry.

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