Chapter 2

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Turning, I saw Liam walking up to us, pushing along a luggage cart with him. Why did he need a cart? He should know to pack light, this is our second headlining tour. That's when I noticed the girl walking with him.

She was only a couple inches shorter than me, wavy light brown hair going halfway down her back with some blue streaks in it too. She had on some black skinny jeans and a pair of dark gray toms with a black & white striped shirt that hung loosely on her and a black backpack that had silver stars on it slung over one shoulder.

Her arms were crossed in front of her as she walked up to us next to Liam. I'd never seen her before, yet she seemed so familiar. "Hey guys." Liam said cheerfully, stopping the cart at the edge of the circle. "Hey mate." "Nice to see ya." and so on was said from around the group.

An awkward silence followed as we all looked at the girl standing there with him. "Everybody, you remember my little sister Ali, right?" He said, nudging the girl next to him. "Wait, Ali?!" I said, shocked. She slowly nodded her head as though she thought I was stupid or something. "Dang girl, you sure know how to shake it up." I said. "Last I saw you, there wasn't any blue in your hair & your first style choice was a skirt with some flip flops no matter what season."

"Yeah, well it's nice to see you too, Lou." She said, pulling her phone out of her pocket as though to check the time. Really I think it was just an excuse to not really say anything. "Ali's gonna be coming on tour with us. Mum & dad said she missed me so thought she'd enjoy coming with." Liam said. I could tell he wasn't saying everything, but he'd eventually explain. "Well do you remember the rest of us?" Niall asked, nudging her other side. "Yes Niall, I remmeber you too. And Zayn. And Harry." Ali answered, lingering a bit on Harry's name at the end. She was probably wondering who he was standing next to.

"Ali, this is Hope, my twin sister." Harry introduced as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "She's gonna be our looks girl. Hair, make-up, the works." He turned & smiled at her. "Hey." Hope said, giving a small smile & wave. More awkward silence ensued, until Paul finally came over. "Right, we all gotta get going. You all ready?" Paul asked looking around at us. We all nodded and started walking.

"Um, Paul, aren't you wondering who the two girls with us are?" I asked quietly as I walked beside him. "Oh, I already know who those two are. Harry & Liam's sisters, right? I got an e-mail from management saying they'd be here so yeah." Paul said, giving me a quick smile before going to make sure Zayn & Niall didn't accidentally go the wrong way.


*1 week ago*

"What were you thinking, Alicia?" My father said quietly. He was angry, sad, disappointed and hurt all in one tone. "I didn't think they'd know I was still underage, dad, it's no big deal. Somebody must've tipped them off or something stupid." I said defensively as I stared out the window. "We can't keep doing this, Alicia. I just bailed you out of jail! That's on your permanent record now!" He said. Sighing, he continued.

"Your mother and I have been talking and we've come up with a deal for you." Snapping my head towards him, my eyes widened. "What do you mean?" I asked nervously. "We want to send you to a boarding school. In Scotland." He said slowly. "WHAT?!" I practically yelled. "Dad you can't!" I protested. "We won't, on one condition." He said, raising his hand as he pulled into our driveway. "What?" I asked.

Turning to look at me, he took a deep breath. "You go on your brother's tour with him."


Geez, why did I have to come? Not that I don't love Liam or anything, but I haven't seen him in so long. What does he think of me now? Does he think i've turned into this bad kid & now he hates me? Twirling a piece of my blue hair, I start listing off all the possibilities in my head. Maybe he'll not want to talk to me, or think i'm not good enough to be hanging out with the band, or maybe even-

"Hey, you alright there?" Liam asked, snapping me back from zoning out. "Huh? Oh, i'm fine." I said, quickly recovering. Everybody was walking infront of us, Paul Niall & Zayn leading the pack while Louis Harry & Hope chatted in front of us as Liam & I brought up the rear. Guess nobody did want to talk to us.

We walked in slience for another minute or two before we reached the plane. Paul took each of the boys' things and loaded them into the overhead space for them. When I got up to him though, I kept a tight hold of my bag. I like being able to have my stuff with me, it's a paranoia thing. Sliding into my seat next to the window, I buckled & pulled out my phone, looking at old pictures of my friends on it. Liam slid into the seat next to me just moments later, buckling himself in as well.

"You didn't have to do this." I muttered softly, not wanting anybody else but him to hear. I kept staring at my phone even though I could tell he was looking right at me. "Yeah I do." Liam said back. "You're my sister Ali, i'm here to help you, just like when we were younger, alright?" I ignored him, & eventually he took out his ipod & plugged in his head phones, falling asleep to his music. Sighing, I put away my phone & just stared out the window.

The clouds looked so peaceful up here. Wonder what it'd be like to be a cloud, being formed then becoming heavier til I burst with water only to have it happen all over again. As I pondered, a hand tapped my shoulder from the seat behind me. Turning around, I saw Harry leaning forward in his seat, his face close to mine.

"Hey, it's nice to have you with us. Gonna be fun." He said quietly, smiling at me. "Thanks, great to be here." I said, giving him a smile too. Turning back around, I pulled my ipod out of my pocket & put on their latest album. If I was gonna be on tour with them, might as well know their songs already, right? Yawning, I leaned my head onto Liam's shoulder & closed my eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.

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