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I can't stand this anymore...

4/6 members of my family smoke every day 24/ and my lil sis can't handle it!

My mum was smoking while she was pregnant to us and in school we learnt that it can affect the child.

They even smoke when we have the windows closed to open the air conditioner.

My grandfather went to the hospital because he was smoking and I don't want anyone else to go to the hospital because of that.

I never EVER want to smoke in my life! I have said that a lot of times to my family and friends but they always say thisVV

Friends: You'll end up smoking and you know it!

Family: Your brother said that but he ended up smoking.

They are wrong though.. I won't smoke because I don't want to have my children or people around me that don't smoke to end up coughing and feeling dizzy like I am now.

I read that passive smokers' lungs get more damaged than smokers' lungs.


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