My OCs And Meee!!

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Me: Heyoo~! Soo I made my OCs and myself on Sims 4!! And we all look kinda..the same...ME AND MY CREATING SKILLS X'D(I don't exactly look like that by the'd be nice though..)

Ashlynn: We look like we could be ...umm what's the word...

Zoey: Quadruplets? (Googled it XD)

Ashlynn: Yeah!

Emily: .-. if we were quadruplets our parents would be living hell ._.

Me: ._. truee.

Ashlynn: .-. Poor parents.

Zoey: Yeahh...Well we have to get going now-

Emily: But you'll be seeing us a lot more often now!! ╮(^▽^)╭

Ashlynn: Soo see yaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

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