Horny old man

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"Wake up Annabelle! Its time for school!" My sister said through the door.

"Alright!" I replied back.

Hi meh little babies! Myname is Annabelle! I am 14 years old. Turning 15 in a week. I have long black hair, "curvy", and am very short. No i am not a midget though. I mean like 5'0 isn't that short. But it would be fun to be a midget though. I mean like you can fit into a oven! Or like in Coraline, that little door that goes to a creepy ass dimension. Anywhore.

I got up and ran into my bathroom. Yeah! Thats right! I have a bathroom in my room! I am just that awesome! When i got into the small little room i took all of my clothes off and stepped into the shower. And you all know what you do in the shower. Play with duckies! Ok. Lets do a time jump!

5 minuets later(in voice from spongebob)

I got out of the shower and dried off. I went to my closet and picked out a faded shirt, ripped skinny jeans, x-ray gloves that went all the way up to my elbows, and my killin' it hat. I put them on and went downstairs.

"Hi sis!" I said.

"Morning." She replied. "Do you want something to eat?" she asked.

"No. But i'm going to go." I said while running out the door.

"But school doesn't start for another hour 'n' half though!" She yelled.

"So? I wanna go riding. Bye!" I said.

I ran outside and sat on my four-wheeler. I took out my music and pressed play. Pierce The Veil was blasting in my ears.

I started my Honda and drove off.

Theres a reason i dont drive cars. My parents died two years ago in a car crash, and since then, i dont like the idea of cars.

Anywhore...i drove all around town and didn't realize what time it was. I was late for school again.

When i got to school i parked my Honda and walked into the school, and headed to the office.

"Late again miss black. Whats your excuse this time?" Miss Patty asked.

You see, i'm late a lot and she knows why.

"Well miss, you know exactly know why. So just write me a slip and i will be on my way." i said in a sickly sweet voice.

She sighed and wrote me a pass.

I walked out of the office and to my locker. I put in the combination and it didn't open. I tried again, and it didn't work again. So i tried it one more time and...it didn't work. The i realized that it wasn't my locker. Luckily theres no one around. I quickly went to my locker and put all my stuff into it, and went to class.

We are supposed to have a new teacher today. I wonder if its a guy. And if he's hot...ok. Forget i ever said that. I would never date a teacher.

When i got to my third hour class, i knocked on the door. I impatiently tapped my foot on the floor.

"Your late!" Mr. peterson said looking me up and down, with a sight of lust.

Horny old man.

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