Look At Me (Lemon) [End]

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A Few Months Time Skip


It has been troublesome to say the least but our relationship is great, but he is only lovey dovey when we are alone, which is understandable. I don't think anyone would believe that he was the 'cuddle' type. We were invited to the 'Pussy' from Georgina or 'Big Mama' for a party. Nicolas took me to a dress shop and bought me a beautiful long [Fav/Color] dress with lots of glitter. It was stunning and Nicolas was in awe as he took my hand leading us to the party. Before we reached our destination we ran into Worick and Alex.

"Ne [F/N]-chan, you look so yummy. I want to eat you up."

Nicolas grunted and Alex smacked Worrick on the head with her purse creating a pout from the male,

"Behave, sorry [F/N] but you do look beautiful."

"T-Thanks, you look beautiful as well."

Worick hugs Alex, "My Ale-chan is quite the catch. hehe."

We all walk together until we reach 'Pussy' and Worick was greeted warmly by the many women but he ignored them and walked arm and arm with Alex. Big Mama approached me outside of her establishment.

"[F/N] you look stunning, you put all my working girls to shame, please come inside and enjoy yourself."

Nicolas took a few steps back and it concerned me, "You coming Nicolas?"

He signs, 'You know the rules here, no Twilight's.'

I sadden as I remember that she doesn't allow Twilight's in, I look at Big Mama with a smile,

"That's okay, I think I'll stay out here with Nicolas."

He was turned away so he didn't here me and Big Mama was stunned,

"Such a waste child, such beauty needs to be shown to many."

I smile, "Thank you, but Nicolas is more than enough for me."

She only chuckled and greeted other guests when I turn around. I see Nicolas looking at the sunset with a hurt expression, since I've known him he only makes that face when he is beating himself up. I walk behind him and wrap my arms around his stomach and his body stiffens but relaxes since he knows it's me. He turns around a little surprised but hugs me again, kissing my forehead.

"You should be inside."

I shake my head and sign, 'Now what kind of partner would I be if I left my man outside while I mingled with normals in a whorehouse?'

He scoffed and signed, 'I just thought that you would have more fun with them, and I don't want to spoil your fun.'

I only smile, 'My fun is only spoiled when you aren't there.'

I suddenly heard Alex singing and I smiled at Nicolas and he seemed confused,

"Alex is singing, she really has a beautiful voice."

"I'm sure yours is even more so."

"...Do you want to dance with me?"

Wander: Nicolas X Reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now