Late Valentine's Day Special

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I worked over the stove and oven as I made my home made chocolates for Nicolas while he was away with Worick . I smiled as I finished and put a bow around the bag that I packed it in. I do this every year with him, we have been together for nearly 4 years so I'm sure that he is expecting this...But this Valentines Day is different. I had a few gifts set up  inside a basket and under it all is my main surprise, my three positive pregnancy tests. Once I was finished I heard Nicolas and Worick enter the apartment. He looked angry so he might of had a bad job so I walk up with a smile and kiss his cheek.

"Sooo, Nicolas.... Here are your gifts"

I showed Nicolas the basket and he frowns with signing, 'Later'

I was a little upset but I brush it off, making lunch for them. I give them their plates.

"Soo, what happened, bad day?"

Worick smiles, "You can say that, a few friends got hurt but we got paid well. No one died so there is that."

"I-I guess, just be more careful next time."

It was quiet after that so I went back in the kitchen to do the dishes and then finish folding clothes, trying to hold my excitement of my pregnancy. Worick sees my smile.

"Someone looks happy, care to share?"

I shake my head, "Its a secret, all in good time."

Nicolas walks out the door and slams the door, making us jump, I sadden a bit. What's up with him today. I run out the door and get his attention and turn him to look at me as I sign.

'Your Valentines are in the house, do you want to open them later?'

He shakes his head signing back, 'You get me the same thing every year, you know that I don't like sweets that much, You can eat them for me and save me a few when I get back.'

'O-Oh, okay...well where are you going and when will you get back?'

He scoffs, 'I'm just going out, I'll be back late so you don't have to wait up.'

He kisses my forehead and leaps away, leaving me confused, upset, and wanting nothing more than to see him. Is he-bored of me now? I guess we have a routine of these kind of things, and I know he is not a public affection kind of guy. But....Is he tired of it? Am I overthinking this?

I walk in the house and Worick's smile fades, "What's wrong sweetie?"

"Nicolas needed some air I guess."

I went into my room to cool off, but no matter what I did to ease my hurt and anger towards him, I kept losing to my sadness and blaming myself, letting my negative thoughts overpower the good. I tear up and get my coat on and burst out of my room and dig in the basket and slam the pregnancy tests on the table, shocking Worick. Before I slam the door shut to leave I yell.

"Tell Nicolas, Happy Valentine's Day!!"

Nicolas POV  

I smile when Connie hands me the ring I had her order, she cleaned it real nice and put it inside a [F/C] velvet box. I thank her before leaving.

'I could tell that [F/N] was upset with me, that was actually my plan. She would get upset and eat chocolates and I'll come home to accept her gifts and surprise her with a ring. It was cheesy but I know she likes that stuff.'

I head inside and Worick looks angry with me, I walk in my room and [F/N] wasn't in there. My eyes widen and sign to Worick.

'Where is she?'

"I have no Idea, she told me to tell you Happy Valentine's Day, she was upset and angry, she has never been this upset, but I guess for good reason since you have been giving her the cold shoulder all day. She left these as well."

I looked at the few pen looking things on the table, scattered with my Valentines that [F/N] made. I looked them over confused.

'What are these?"

"C'mon it's obvious on what they are, they are pregnancy tests."

I looked them over again, all signaling that it was positive.


"Yeah, your little [F/N] is pregnant."

I put my coat back on quickly and begin to walk out the door and Worick yells, "Do you even know where she is?"

"I have an idea, I've never been there myself, but I know she feels safe there."

I rush out in anger at myself, 'I knew this was a bad idea, I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry [F/N]."


Its been a couple days but I made it back to my mother's grave. Tears well up in my eyes as I run, falling to my knees as I hug her tombstone.

"M-Mom, I don't know what to do, what would you have done, what would you say to me, I-I just don't know anymore."

Nicolas POV

I reach the spot that [F/N] told me about, I looked around and I saw [F/N]. Her body was shaky so she must be crying. She sits up and I can see her tearstained face. I begin reading her lips as she weeps to the grave.

"I just don't know what to do, I love him so much, I think that he is bored of me. I guess our routine is pretty boring, I don't blame him. I not great at this kind of thing, he's better off without me, I get in the way most of the time. He thinks I worry too much but-but I love him."

A few tears fall passed my cheeks as I see her cry her eyes out, doubting herself, hurting... because of me. I walk around, approach behind her. I fall to my knees behind her in a deep embrace. She stiffens and gets out of it quickly, looking at me in shock.

"N-Nicolas, what are you-"

"I'm so sorry [F/N]. I love you so much, please don't doubt yourself, you are amazing and so loving. You are my everything, I was being cold, thinking that you would eat the chocolates and be pouty at me when I got home so I-"

Her eyes shimmer, "What?"

I stand her up properly and drop to my knees holding her waist, "I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I reach in my pocket pulling out the box and sign, 'Will you marry me?'

She leans in, kissing me so I get up and close the box to spin her around. I wipe her tears and she sobs.

"I thought that you were bored of me."

"How could I ever get bored of you, you are perfect, I love you so much."

I take the ring and put it on her ring finger, "It's so beautiful Nicolas."

I look into her eyes, "You're beautiful [F/N]."

She hugs me and I start to sob, "[F/N], I'm so happy. I saw your gifts."

She looks at me a little shocked, "S-So, what do you think?"

I smile, "Looks like we need to find a new apartment, I won't have my child growing up there."

Her eyes shimmer and we kiss, "Happy late Valentine's Day."

She chuckles, "Yeah, Happy late Valentine's Day."

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