Chapter Two

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Friday 27th May

Dear friend,

I have managed to survive another dreadful week of school. I have only been able to achieve this by spending my nights scrolling through various news feeds on various social media sites and watching an impressive amount of different TV shows again and again. I can see why my mother is worried about me.

The other day my mother spoke to me about my lack of social interactions. It's not that I don't have friends; I just don't particularly want to leave the comfort of my room. But, despite all this, my mother has made me promise her to go out with people more often. Now I have to spend every Saturday out with someone. I decided to call my friend Isobel.

Isobel is a very bubbly person who is either incredibly nice or is your worst nightmare. There is no in between with that girl. I would say that Isobel is my best friend. She is only three months older than me so she is in a lot of my lessons at school. She is one of the few people I actually speak to. Isobel gets into a lot of trouble at school, she has a tendency to blurt out whatever she is thinking whether it is appropriate and polite or not. But, if you are friends with her, Isobel will always stick up for you and can be very funny.

When I phoned Isobel she, like always, had her phone off. I decided the best thing to do was to message her online. I had only ever spent time with Isobel inside of school. Because of this I didn't know what I should say to her. Hey Isobel, it's me, Cassie, wanna hang out? I decided that sounded too casual with a hint of desperation so I tried it again. Isobel, can I come over tomorrow? That sounded too impolite. After another half an hour of thinking what to type, I sent Isobel a message saying Hi, my mom is kicking me out tomorrow for the day. Mind if I come over and hang out with you? I thought the honesty in the message would be a good touch. I sent it and waited for a reply.

It took Isobel three hours to reply. She replied with a simple Sure, go ahead. Let yourself in. I won't be up before 10. At this moment in time I was so shocked that she said yes to spending time with me outside of school that I didn't know how to react. I have never spent any time with anyone outside of school and I didn't know what people actually do. Hopefully Isobel is more experienced with it than I am.

Love always


Saturday 28th May

Dear friend,

I stood outside of Isobel's front door for five minutes before finally plucking up the courage to let myself in. The hall way was a mess. There were muddy work boots dotted around the wooden floor with coats of every sort piled on top of them. Off to my left was a staircase which had books on every step, there was just about enough room to walk up them. The staircase was covered with a dark purple carpet which looked like it hadn't been hovered for weeks. To my right was a small corridor leading off to a kitchen. From what I could see, the kitchen was just as messy. The sides were covered in shopping which had failed to be put away, paper work which had started to pile up, looking dangerously like it would fall, and oddly placed tools such as drills and screw drivers. There was a white door which had been indented with holes shaped like fists right in front of me which I could only guess to be the living room.

I slowly pushed the door open, the creak filling the house, and inspected the next room. There was a large, red sofa taking up the whole left side wall which, once again, was covered in rubbish, from bags to books, to plates to pens. There was barely any room to sit but, covered in multiple blankets, Isobel had managed to create a corner where there was no rubbish so she could sit.

"Cassie! Come on, come sit. Do you want a drink or any food?" Isobel asked politely.

"No, thanks, I'm alright." I stumbled over the mess on the floor, managing to trip over someone's shoe, and perched on the sofa. Placed on Isobel's lap was a red laptop which had an interesting silhouette of elephants in the sunset. She continued typing for a couple minutes before looking up at me and telling me I could put on a film. I awkwardly stood and manoeuvred my way to the TV which was hung on the wall on the far right side of the room, facing the sofa. Next to the TV was a bookshelf overflowing with DVDs.

I skimmed through the films to try to find my favourite '10 Things I hate about you'. It took me a while but I finally found it, it was crammed in between 'The Avengers' and 'Seven brides for seven brothers'. The lack of organization skills made my insides churn. I pulled the DVD out and turned back to Isobel to ask where the DVD player was.

"It should be by your feet." She explained. I glanced down to check and, as she said, it was. I put the DVD in and went back to settle onto the sofa. This time I decided to get a bit more comfy so I moved things off the seat and grabbed a blanket from the floor. I shook the dirt off and relaxed back into the sofa.

I wouldn't normally be that relaxed about being in a new house but I decided that if I had any chance at coming back here and continuing to be friends with this girl I better act as normal as possible. And that included sitting on a sofa like I was at home. This worked for a full hour until a person of the other gender walked in. That's right, Isobel has a brother.

I had seen her brother around school, he was two years above us, but I had been too awkward to speak to him. His name was Dan. He had short brown hair, which looked as soft as a cat, blue eyes that are mesmerizing, big, goofy ears that seem to make him look like a teddy bear and he always wore tops that would hug his chest and emphasise his muscles. It was safe to say I have a school girl crush on Isobel's brother. Isobel, of course, had no idea about my feelings for her brother and I didn't plan on telling her.

When Dan walked into the room my chest started to feel tight and I could feel the hot rush creeping up my neck and engulfing my cheeks into a fiery mess. Although it was his house, I didn't expect to see him.

"Isobel, mum wants to know if your friend is staying for tea." He said. His voice was low and gritty.

"Yeah, sure. By the way, her name is Cassie." Isobel shot back in a tone that made it clear she disliked him. I wondered why that was. Maybe he wasn't as nice as I thought he would be. Maybe he likes to make fun of people and make them feel bad. Maybe he argued with her a lot. All I could do was wonder.

Dan looked at the screen and then looked at Isobel and I in what only can be described as amazement.

"Is, I didn't know you liked this film." Dan said with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"I don't, Cass picked it."

For the first time ever Dan looked at me. He looked right into my eyes and, for a moment, I stopped breathing. All I did was stare back. He gave me a short half smile. The kind of smile you hear characters in books talking about. The kind of smile that can make your heart melt and knees buckle. Luckily for me, I was sitting down. The heat in my cheeks started to rise again so I turned away. He let out a small chuckle and turned to watch the screen.

After a moment of standing by the white washed door, Dan came to sit next to me. He moved the pile of school books I had placed beside me so I could sit down and collapsed on the sofa.

"Right, I'm going to get some food. Anyone want any?" Isobel announced as she staggered up off the sofa.

"Tea will be ready soon. If you have something now then you won't be able to eat later." Dan replied without taking his eyes off the screen.

"You clearly don't realise how much I eat then. I'll just take that as nobody else wants anything." Dodging the mess on the floor, Isobel left the room to head off into the kitchen with the door slowly creaking behind her.

I had never had a boy sit close to me before. Well, I had never had anyone sit close to me before. I tried to avoid the awkward situation of sharing personal space at all costs. But this was different. I liked this. I could feel the heat rolling off his body and onto mine. With each breath he took his chest rose and shoulders brushed against mine. I felt tingles.

Not being able to bare it anymore, I jumped up and said "sorry, I need to go. Nice meeting you. Saying bye to Is for me, please" and hurried out the door.

Love always,


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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