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I pull the trigger. It's over now. Time to leave. I turn and do just that.

It was another flawless job. We each performed perfectly. There are four of us within our little gang: me (Uno), Henna, Sahara and Hayli. We are H.U.S.H-the all female top criminal group. Henna has shoulder length hair and olive skin. She's of average height but has very pretty. She's our torturer and ever since seeing one of her performances, which too many people wouldn't seem like torture, I have simply left her to her methods. Sahara has long, dark hair that reaches her mid-back and pretty eyes framed in long lashes. Her skin is almost always tanned and she has a figure most would die for. She's a rogue spy who originally worked MI6 but then up and left and joined us. Hayli has platinum blond hair that fell to the bottom of her shoulder blades. She has slender fingers and a gentle approach to life. She has fair skin and is very thin. She's the thief of H.U.S.H and was the last member to join. Me? Well, I'm Uno. I'm probably the tallest of the group and my dark brown is interspersed with red (and I mean bright red) streaks. I have very pale and consider myself slim. I've been a criminal the longest, since I was 14. Back then I didn't kill but I learnt to. I'm the killer of the group: our assassin. I like to think it's because I'm the best at it but the fact is the other three can't stomach killing. Henna, ran and vomited in a nearby bush when they saw me point blank shoot someone. Sahara passed out on the floor and Hayli became a vegetable for around two hours. I have no idea why Henna vomited as she sometimes does worse to her victims but she reasons it with the fact she has never actually taken a life. Sahara and Hayli haven't either. They've never needed to with me in the group. I've killed many people and although it sounds awful to hear it, I don't regret any of them. But that's just how it works. I don't mind, I'm good at it. Henna gets the information on wherever we're hitting, Sahara scopes the place for cameras, guards, maps and the destination. I go in and 'clear the way' taking out cameras, guards, locks any real opposition. Occasionally, the target needs to be killed and that stops the line there but normally, this is when Hayli walks in picks the safe, lock, whatever and gets the package. I, then, go and collect the payment and transfer the package on. I'm always sent as if things get nasty I can handle myself. Being kicked out onto the streets at 13 makes you prioritise certain abilities and aspects. But all in all, H.U.S.H is unstoppable and that isn't going to change.

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