Chapter 17

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I quickit erase that from my mind. I sighed and pulled Jack's hand so that he was following me. I let go of his hand and hopped on the bed. After that I fell asleep.

When I woke up I look over and see that he's still asleep. I get out of bed easly and quietly so that I don't wake him. I walk down stairs and head to the kitchen. I look and find Adien in there. I look at him and see that he's cooking. Damn he stole my idea, I was going to do that.

"Morning princess." "Good morning." I walk over to him and hug him. I pulled away and see that he's looking at my mark that Jack gave me. I give him a small smile. Well now I feel bad. "You can to if you want, I don't mind. I would have preferred that you were there and did it when Jack did but you had Alpha stuff to do." He smiled and said "I know, I just want it to be special like it was with Jack." I blushed at that.

"Um well I'm going to the gym..I'ma get Nickie too." He smiles and said 'okay'. I walk up stairs to go get Nickie. Just as I was about to open the door she opens it. I look at her and she looks at me. "Let me guess...the gym?" I smile and said 'yep' poping the 'p'. We both laugh and head down there. When we get down there, for some reason I just had a lot of anger when we were working out.

When we get done I was tired. We went up stairs and took a shower and came down to meet up with the boys. I skipped breakfast because I wasn't hungry. I went and sat in Adien's lap, and Jack right next to me. I wanted to do something so I picked up their plates and washed them. I know right, what is wrong with me. But when you really want to do somthing, you act like that.

There was a lot of bubbles when I got done and no one was there but my mates. I walked over to them and smashed some bubbles in there face's. Oh was it funny. They looked at each other and looked back at me. Uh oh. My laughter turned into scilence. I boltted out of the room and ran as fast as I could. That is until I felt arms rap around be and carry me back to the kitchen.

"P-Put me down now!" I said to Adien. Thankfully he did. I turned around only to see Jack right in front of me, smirking. "Aw you didn't think it would be that easy did you?" Adien said. I can tell he's smirking. I turned around and sure enough he was. Man when they worked together to get me it was intimidating and such a turn on.

I can only imagine what would happen in bed? I mean just by looking at them you know they got some dirky shit going on in their heads. But I'm forgetting that they're older than me to. So they probably have had experience. But man, would I love to tast their abs. Damn it, I need to stop thinking about this. What are they doing to me. "Looks like we got a naughty girl" Adien said.

I backed up only to have Jack hold me against his chest. His rock hard chest that I just love to feel. "Oh, yes we do." Jack said into my ear. That sent chills down my spine. I bit my lip and looked at Adien. He bent down and kissed me on the lips. I felt Jack kissing my neck while Adien was kissing my lips.

Jack found my sweet spot and that made me moan. I put one of my arms around Adien's neck and played with his hair. He let out a moan. I felt him slid his hand up my shirt and cup my brest. That made me moan even louder. Then hands went around my waist to the front. I could feel them undo my zipper. I new it was Jack. Then it hit me. What am I doing.

If I don't stop this, it will go to far and I don't know if I'm ready yet. For christ sake, we're in a kitchen! I pulled away but not in a mean way. "I don't want to go to far..not yet" I said looking down. What's wrong with me I couldn't even please my mates and I'm not even a fucking virgin anymore. That's when I felt fingers pull my chin up to face Adien.

"It's okay we understand, this was...more than enough for right now. When your ready, that's when will do it" he said. I smiled and looked at him. Jack was still holding onto me which I didn't mind. Then it hit me. "Well if I'm not ready yet that's okay right. But that doesn't mean that I can't have fun with you both" I said smirking. They chuckle.

"Vary tempting to know what you have in mind but I wanted to ask you if I could mark you" Adien said. I looked at him and nodded. He smiled and leand down. He kissed me and moved to the opposite side from where Jack marked me. I felt his canines on my skin. In no time he sunk them in me. I let out a small cry in pain. I was gripping his shirt in the process. I feel his canines come out and he started to lick were he marked me. And that was the last thing I remember. Everything went black.

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