Not the Sharpest Knife in the Drawer...But Maybe the Shiniest

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Gosh...we really know how to pick guys. Well you know, not to crush on, no there's no one good enough for us at our school :P BUT to find attractive.

You know, when you "dubb" a guy attractive...?

I really hope we're not the only ones that do that...that would be pretty awkward XD

ANYWHO. So, our latest victim...well, he's...interesting.

He's tall.

Buff...ish :P


Moderately good-looking.

And just overall attractive....i don't know why, his charisma maybe?

That is...he's attractive UNTIL he opens his mouth.


This kid is just better off silent.

The first time we heard him speak, we were walking out of our school, and he walked out behind us, dropping a soccer ball onto the ground, and preparing to kick it. Either he didn't notice the OTHER PEOPLE WALKING AROUND US, or, that little girl just miraculously appeared. So, we turn, just in time to see him SHOVE the little girl out of the way, screaming "MOOOOOOOOOOVE" and yes, there WAS an emphasis on the "MOOO" part. No joke. 

Then, (after the frightened little girl ran away in tears, fearing for her life - well, not quite, but almost :P) he turned to one of his friends and said (calmly) "I almost kicked her." 

We were quite shocked to say the least.. 

The SECOND encounter, well...we were walking in the hall, and he magically appeared there...and what do you do when an attractive guy is within staring range? Well, you...stare. So how could we miss it when he shoved some guy into the wall screaming (yes, he's a loud one) "MOOOOOVE".

Getting the pattern here?

So, guess what happened on our THIRD interaction?

Nope, he didn't scream "MOVE" actually, he didn't talk at all, though the next time he did, three guesses 'bout what he said?

So this time, there was a stampede in the know, with all the smallest and youngest kids taking up ALL THE SPACE and everyone else having to squeeze through awkwardly.

Like a traffic jam.

Just with..people. :P

ANYWHO, so this time, he happened to be walking RIGHT behind us, and I (R) turned to say something to T and happened to notice his presence. T, being the clueless one she usually is, was...well, clueless. So guess what her reaction was when she turned around and almost smacked right into his chest?

And let me tell you this, this guy is actually very seriously, he makes you wanna kill yourself with one look, just so you won't have to talk to him... Gosh, I really am making him sound like some scary ogre, aren't I? :P

So T's face was hilarious in itself. It was stuck somewhere between "HOLY CRAP IMMA PEE MY PANTS" and "WANNA PIECE OF ME PUNK?" well, the latter came first...then the realization of who it was sank in.

But what was even more comical was the sound she made.

It was practially a shriek. A. SHRIEK.

The guy was surprised to say the least.

So...following this sequence of events, must I tell you about the time he kindly told T to "MOOOOOVE"? No, I think you got the picture ;)

Gosh, for the longest time we thought that he couldn't pronounce anything with more than two syllables at a time without sounding like a caveman or animal :P

So we were in for a great relief (haha, no...we're still quite worried bout his intellectual abilities) when we heard him say (to some kid he was shoving against the wall...gosh...he's quite the violent one, eh? Yet, somehow, it seems that everyone likes him...or absolutely hates him, in the case of one of our friends XD oh, and most of the gifted people) "Oh come on, I wanted to inch-punch you!"

Anyone care to explain this new form of inflicting pain? Inch-punching?

Oh, but thats not all...the more we see him, the more interesting the year gets..

So we were walking by him in the hall one day.

WAIT -- I shall refer to him as "New Kid" kay guys? Thats what we still call him...though he's been here for like 2 months already...oh well :P we'd rather not share his name though..

So we see New Kid, "interacting" with some of his friends. (Does he even have any? Actually - yes). And then randomly, I see an arm snake - literally, now I know why they use the term "snake" - around the guy-New-Kid-was-talking-to's waist.

Yes, it was very weird. Especially when we saw that that arm belonged to New Kid himeslf. It jsut got weirder when he decided to pull the guy up...into a hug/smash-him-into-your-chest kind of thing. It really didn't help that this guy was like HALF (no joke) of New Kid's height.

But trust me, it gets better from here, where we actually do slightly interact with him.

Lets start with T, you know, since she loves him soo much! (did you hear the sarcasm?) Well, anyways, T was casually picking something else for her teacher, from another class room. A full class room, and yes with the new kid in it. So, since the teacher took no notice of her standing at the door way, she awkwardly stood there, deciding if she should just sprint, grab the thing and run or wait for permission.

Mean while, seems like mr.,moooove, had something new to say. Did it help our rating of his intellectual ability? hell no. 

Any ways, he looks at T, dead serious I might say, and says "HURRO". Yes my friends, "HURRO" not, hello, or hi, or hey, or yellow but a big fat HURRO. Lets say it took all my self restraint to not to burst out laughing.

Anywho...for any of you who are wondering, I did just run in grab the thing, and bolt ;)  

OK! moving on, the next interaction is actually with R! (yes!) so basically, R and me were innocently standing at our locker, getting our stuff and what not, like any other innocent middle schooler! When R randomly feels a hand on her back. She quickly turns around, to look behind T. This obviously causes T to turn around, and whoop di-doo guess who we saw? THE NEW KID! His reaction?

"EWWWW" and run.

Damn R, you really are that unattractive. To this day, we really don't know who he was talking to....

Now if you think we're done, not quite ;) Last ones with  T. ( Don't you just love these awkward positions? Cause I don't -.-)

Well any ways, T was walking down the hall (lonely), to get to class when she sees the new kid literally sitting down beside a door. and smacking the keyboard of the computer repeadtly. On a blank screen. He looks up and his eyes go wide. Literarily his expression is like "Wow...did I grow short or did she rlly grow tall" then realization sinks in that I'm standing and he's sitting and he goes back to smacking his keyboard.

Productive much?

Damn, we really do pick the best 'uns huh?

Well, we definetely know he's we don't have to worry bout him being a bore, right? But then...hes fairly violent...

So, would you be brave enough to actually go up and talk to him (that is, if he can hold up a conversation, what, with his amazing communication skills)?

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