A Little Heart to Heart

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Rebekah and her class had been in England for a week now, and that meant there was only one week more before they would be headed back to America. Bekah had grown quite fond of it there. She loved the constantly cool weather, and the dark skies. The room she had been loaned had started to feel like her own and the city felt familiar and alive, even if the people weren't particularly welcoming. Most of all, she was glad to be away from her aunt. It gave her a sense of liberation. No ridiculous rules, and no pretending to be someone else. Bekah didn't even attempt to mask her relief.

Rebekah was pulled out of her reverie by a soft knock on the door. When she opened it, Mycroft was waiting anxiously. There were no obvious signs of anxiety, but Bekah could feel it radiating off of the usually poised man.

"Rebekah, do you have a moment?" he asked, trying to maintain his regal air.

"Of course." Bekah replied smiling. "Please, come in."

Neither would admit it, but the pair had grown quite close over the course of the week, though they still mostly talked about her. She was secretly very proud of the fact that she had managed to get him to open up to her at all.

As casually as he could manage, Mycroft strolled into the room and sat down in the overstuffed armchair. Silently he stared at her as if examining a specimen under a microscope. His intense scrutiny caused Bekah to shuffle awkwardly. This continued until she could bare it no longer. Finally she cleared her throat.

"What can I do for you, Mycroft." Bekah asked politely.

"Rebekah, I am going to ask you a question, and if you are lying to me, I will know, and be most... disappointed. Am I understood?" Bekah found the seriousness of his demeanor to be frightening. Not because he himself was scary, but because Bekah found herself fearing that she had done something terribly wrong.

"Yes, sir." She replied nervously, "What would you like to know?"

"Do you remember Ms. Kopololu saying that we would be going to a crime scene while you were here?" Bekah nodded. "Good. I assume you are also aware that your uncle will most likely be there as well. Correct?" again Bekah nodded, completely unsure of where he was going with this. "Then answer me this. Are you alright with that? Because one can easily ensure that he is unavailable that evening."

Bekah was both surprised and relived to discoverer that she hadn't broken some unspoken rule.

"So I'm not in trouble?" She asked apprehensively. Mycroft seemed baffled by her question.

"No, of course not." He said as if it was the most obvious thin in the world. "That doesn't answer my question though."

Bekah bit her lip and thought about it for a while. How badly did she want to see John again? Did it outweigh her fear of what might transpire if she were to explain everything to her class?

After what felt like a lifetime, she took a deep breath and looked Mycroft in the eye.

"So long as you promise not to let things get out of hand, I would be more than happy to see John at the crime scene. Is that alright? Can you make that promise?" Mycroft bowed is head slightly, then return his eyes to Bekah.

"I give you my word. I will do my utmost to ensure that you do not lose control of the situation. Are we agreed?" Bekah nodded, doing her best to mask her excitement. She knew Mycroft wouldn't allow anything to overwhelm her, and that in and of it's self was quite comforting. She didn't understand, however, why Mycroft still looked tense.

"We are agreed. Is there something else on your mind?"

Mycroft hesitated before he answered the question that Bekah already knew the answer to.

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