Part 6

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It's Up



YN:wait wait wait where you going

Jacob;a party

YN:no your not cause i woul dhave been invited so where are you going

Jacob:to aGCO
??:to a club

Jacob:shut up diggy

Diggy:im sorry i didnt know your little sister tells you what to do *laughs*

YN:you cant go your under age

Jacob:so what you cant tell me what to do *leaves with he boys*

YN:*rolls eyes* oh shit the adress *writes down the adress and phone number on the T.V* ok so homework then practice

~1 hour later~

||Door Bell Rings||

YN:*anwsers it* mmmhmm what happpened officer

Police:well theese two where caught sneeking into the club

YN:sorry officer it wont happen again

Police:it better not *looks at you*mmmhmmmm

YN:dont even try it*slams door*


Jacob:*going up to his room*

YN:nononono your in trouble

Jacob: -____- *mocks you* nonono your in trouble who you gon tell mom and dad anit here

YN:*thinks grabs cell phone* i'll call them

Jacob:the service wont work

Hazel:he's got a point their

Jacob:see she agree's

YN:hazel you can leave now

Hazel:please can i stayyyyyyy

YN:fine but just sit there


YN:dont scoff at me i'll call aunt Kia and you know that if one of her nieces or nephew's get in trouble she would run over here as fast as she could and whoop you and she wont care who is here

Jacob:you wouldnt

YN:oh but i would and i not afraid to push the dial button and also call your friends

Jacob:fine what do you want

YN:oh nothing

Jacob:good *about to walk upstairs*

YN:but you could do everything i say for a whole month *smirks*


YN:but you have to *put your finger on the dial button*

Jacob:fine what do you want

YN: nothing for now butafter i go change going to go walking in the park

~At The Park~

(your wearing:

Hazel:(sees cute boy walk by) umm (Your Name) i'll be right back kay bye (runs over to boy)

YN:um kay *get upand walks over to a park bench*

[YN p.o.v]

I was walking over to a park bench until some random boy ran into me i looked up
he was light skinned with dimples and had braces with a bow tie for a nerd he sure
is sexy as a mother trucker he helped me up [end of pov]

???:sorry i didnt mean to run into like that

YN:no its ok im your name you

???:nice to meet you im khali

YN:you too khali uhh its getting kinda dark i gotta head back home

Khali:umm okay bye *walks away*

Hazel:*walks over with boy* uhh YN me and calvin are gonna you know go

YN:what i thought you wanted to hang with me

Hazel:i said where gonna go*winks* *whispers* come on YN dont mess this up for me

YN:ohhh ok girl i get it well bye calvin hazel

~At the Hosue~




1.what do you think you saw
2.what do you think hazel and calivn are doing you think your kinda falling for khali you think its ending before it started


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