Part 7

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???:sorry i didnt mean to run into like that

YN:no its ok im your name you

???:nice to meet you im khali

YN:you too khali uhh its getting kinda dark i gotta head back home

Khali:umm okay bye *walks away*

Hazel:*walks over with boy* uhh YN me and calvin are gonna you know go
YN:what i thought you wanted to hang with me

Hazel:i said where gonna go*winks* *whispers* come on YN dont mess this up for me

YN:ohhh ok girl i get it well bye calvin hazel

~At the Hosue~



[YN P.o.v]

As i was walking back to the house i looked up and saw a party going on i
yelled out "WHAT THE FUCK" Then some random dude walked by in a monkey
mask and yelled in my face "HOUSE PARTY' jacob is in so much trouble now.
I was walking around until i bump into two girls[End of p.o.v]

(they are wearing)



????:no its are fault she's kinda of loopy right now btw im alecia but you can call me A.J

YN:im (Your Name)

A.J:oh and this is my friend Naomi

Naomi:aghjfkfyrvsv y-y-your hair is pretty *pats your head*

YN:um thanks have you seen my brother jacob

A.J:oh yeah here ill show you *sits naomi down in a chair* STAY heRe

Naomi:hfvhjfdhj o-o-o-okay *giggles*

A.J:*smh* come on *grabs your hand takes you to jacob's room*

YN:*opens the door sees jacob making out with some girl* JACOB

Jacob:oh uhhh hey (Your Name) what's up

YN:dont whats up me look at this place

Jacob:calm down YN i got everything under contrGCO

(They see Panda mask dude riding a dog down the hall way)

YN:*crosses arm* mmmhmm yeah right jacob get all of theese people out NOW

Jacob:im Your older brother and i say what gose NOW I SAY THEY STAY AND THAT IS FINAL

YN:*breaths heavy and stomps out*

[YN P.o.v]

Uhggg sometimes jacob gets on my last freakin nerves i walked downstair to grab my phone until someone grabbed it i looked up it was a boy with 2 long braids i put my hands on my hips and said"Give me back my phone nigga" he looked at me with a smirk
the said" My name not nigga its rayray and I'll give back to you if do one thing for me" i looked at him and said"haha very funny ray now give me back my phone cause i anit doin nothing for you" i started to jump and strech for it but gave up [End of p.o.v]

YN:ok what do you want me to do


Ohh what do you think he wants you to do

REVENGE mindless bhavior love story(STARRING YOU)Where stories live. Discover now