Chapter 15: Wake Me Up

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With the stress of the baby growing inside my sister, things were even more critical than ever. Now they had two lives to save. Maxx and I discussed who the father of the child was. Knowing what we knew about Alex we could assume that there was a 50% chance it was his. Either way Maxx's name was going on the birth certificate, we already agreed on that. There wasn't much to do but wait.

The months crept by, and the baby steadily grew, we could now feel it kick. We decided against finding out the sex of the baby, simply because Jade wasn't conscious to see it as well. So we waited and waited, and waited. I sat in the chair by her bed, reading out loud to the baby, when a wet spot appeared on the sheet covering Jade's stomach and legs. Thinking Jade had just wet herself, I buzzed for the nurse, and sat her up for a sponge bath.

All of a sudden her eyes flew open and a scream tore from her mouth. "Jade? Sis? What's going on?" "Contractions, baby. NOW." she panted. My eyes widened in panic and I ran to the cafeteria to get Maxx. I nearly collided with him in the hallway. "Devin what's going on?" "Jade. Baby. Awake. NOW." I said, and together we sprinted back to her room, where somehow, she was already fully dialated. Maxx rushed to her side and held her hand, cooing soothing words into her ears. She seemed to relax afterwards, and the baby girl was quickly delivered.

While everyone was fussing over the tiny newborn, no one noticed how quiet Jade was. Maxx turned around to ask a name, but she was unconscious. The heart monitor flat lined. "NO!!" we screamed. The doctor rushed over and started to perform CPR. The nurses brought in a defibrillator and attempted to revive her with electric shocks. Nothing worked. "Jade Stryker. Time of death 1:19 pm."


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